北京大学工学院力学与空天技术系 -- 教师 -- 杨莹

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English Version

    2002年于北京大学力学与空天技术系获一般力学专业博士学位。 2003年1月至2004年11月在北京大学力学与空天技术系从事博士后研究工作,博士后出站后留系工作,2005年起任副教授,2007年起任博士生导师。 2004年7月-8月访问澳大利亚Curtin University of technology,2010年3月至2011年2月访问德国University of Duisburg-Essen. 目前为中国仿真学会青年工作委员会委员,中国自动化学会技术过程故障诊断与安全性专业委员会委员,IEEE会员,美国《数学评论》评论员。
  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目《多执行器动态控制分配的理论与算法研究》,项目负责人,2012.1--2015.12
  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目《相同步系统的动力学性质分析与控制》,项目负责人,2009.1-2011.12
  3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目《柱面空间上周期解的鲁棒性分析与控制》,项目负责人,2005.1--2007.12
  4. 北京大学工学院青年人才基金,项目负责人,2007.1--2009.12
  5. 北京大学工学院湍流与复杂系统国家重点实验室2009自主科研项目,项目负责人
  6. 国家自然科学基金重点项目《近空间高超声速飞行器自主协调控制研究》,主要成员,2010.1--2013.12,
  7. 国家自然科学基金重点项目《复杂非线性力学系统的控制研究》,主要成员,2004.1--2007.12
  8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目《不确定多平衡点非线性系统的总体性质及鲁棒控制》,主要成员,2003.1--2005.12
  9. 北京大学工程研究院科研合作平台建设计划项目《以航空航天为背景的复杂非线性力学系统控制研究》,主要成员, 2005.1--2006.12
  10. 863子课题,*******,主要成员,2005.1--2007.6
  1. Ying Yang, Steven X. Ding, A control-theoretic study on iterative solutions to nonlinear equations for applications in embedded systems, Automatica, Regular paper, in press (SCI, EI)
  2. Lei Cui, Ying Yang, Disturbance Rejection and Robust Least Squares Control Allocation in Flight Control System, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, in press (SCI, EI)
  3. Xinchen Yue, Ying Yang and Zhiyong Geng, Indirect optimization for finite-thrust time-optimal orbital maneuver, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 33(2): 628-634, 2010
  4. Zhongxing Peng, Ying Yang and Lin Huang, The effects of adding input redundancy in LQR problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 150(2): 341--359, 2011 (SCI)
  5. Pingli Lu, Ying Yang, Global asymptotic stability of a class of complex networks via decentralized static output feedback control, IET Control Theory & Applications, 11(4): 2463-2470, 2010
  6. Shiyun Xu, Ying Yang, Global behaviors of a class of phase synchronous dynamical network, Nonlinear Dynamics, 59(3): 485-496, 2010
  7. Pingli Lu, Ying Yang, Global asymptotical synchronization in linearly coupled networks of RCL-shunted Josephson junctions, International Journal of Control, 83(2): 364--370, 2010 (SCI)
  8. Shiyun Xu, Ying Yang, Predicting the dynamic behaviors via anticipating synchronization in coupled pendulum-like systems, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 42(33): 335207, 2009 (SCI)
  9. Shiyun Xu, Ying Yang, Control-oriented approaches to anticipating synchronization of chaotic deterministic ratchets, Physics Letters A, 373, 2226-2236, 2009 (SCI)
  10. Shiyun Xu, Ying Yang, Synchronization for a class of complex dynamical networks with time-delay, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 14, 3230-3238, 2009 (SCI)
  11. Pingli Lu, Ying Yang and Lin Huang, Synchronization of linearly coupled networks of deterministic ratchets, Physic Letters A,372(22): 3978--3985, 2008
  12. Pingli Lu, Ying Yang and Lin Huang, Global dynamic properties of a synchronous machine model, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 3113-3128, 18(10): 2008(SCI)
  13. Pingli Lu, Ying Yang, Zhongkui Li and Lin Huang, Decentralized dynamic output feedback for globally asymptotic stabilization of a class of dynamic networks, International Journal of Control, 87(1):1054--1061, 2008(SCI)
  14. Pingli Lu, Ying Yang and Lin Huang, Cycles of the second kind for uncertain pendulum-like systems with several nonlinearities, Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods & Applications, 2007, 69(1):35—45, 2008 (SCI, EI)
  15. Pingli Lu, Ying Yang and Lin Huang, Dynamic feedback control for cycle slipping in phase-controlled system, Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods & Applications, 69(1):314—322,2008 (SCI, EI)
  16. Ying Yang, Zhisheng Duan and Lin Huang, Robust dichotomy analysis and synthesis with application to an extended Chua's circuit, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular papers,54(9):2078--2086,2007 (SCI, EI)( 214IJ) (073910835787)
  17. Ying Yang, Zhisheng Duan and Lin Huang, Global convergence of a class of discrete-time interconnected pendulum-like systems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 133(2): 257--273, 2007(SCI) (192ML)
  18. Ying Yang and Lin Huang, Cycle slipping in phase synchronization systems. Physics Letters A, 362 (2-3): 183--188, 2007 (SCI) (144AR)
  19. Pingli Lu, Ying Yang and Lin Huang, Robust analysis and synthesis for the nonexistence of periodic solutions in a class of nonlinear systems with polytopic uncertainties, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 135(2):205-216,2007 (SCI) (221DJ)
  20. Ying Yang and Lin Huang Computation of perturbation bound for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems guaranteeing global convergence,Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems-Series A-Mathematical Analysis 13, 480--487 Part 1 Suppl. S 2006 (SCI) (035GT)
  21. Ying Yang, Zhisheng Duan and Lin Huang. Design of nonlinear interconnections guaranteeing the absence of periodic solutions. Systems and Control Letters, 55(4): 338-346, 2006 (SCI, EI)
  22. Ying Yang, Zhisheng Duan and Lin Huang. Nonexistence of periodic solutions in a class of dynamical systems with cylindrical phase space. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos , 15(4): 1423-1431, 2005 (SCI)
  23. Ying Yang, Rao Fu and Lin Huang. Robust analysis and synthesis for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with multiple equilibria. Systems and Control Letters, 53(2): 89-105, 2004 (SCI, EI)
  24. Ying Yang, Lin Huang. H∞ controller synthesis for pendulum-like systems. Systems and Control Letters, 50(4):263-274, 2003 (SCI,EI)
  25. Ying Yang, Lin Huang. Absolute stabilization related to circle criterion: an LMI-based approach. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 24(8): 909-916, 2003 (SCI, EI)
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  • 通信地址:100871 北京 北京大学 工学院 力学与空天技术系。
  • Email:yy@mech.pku.edu.cn
  • 电 话:010-62751815(O)
最近更新于 2011年8月31日
北京大学工学院力学与空天技术系 -- 教师 -- 杨莹