Congratulations to Mr Binhong Li to have his paper accepted in JFM!
Congratulations to Mr Binhong Li to have his paper accepted in JFM! The title of the accepted paper is “Receptivity of a supersonic jet due to acoustic excit...
Congratulations to Mr Binhong Li to have his paper accepted in JFM! The title of the accepted paper is “Receptivity of a supersonic jet due to acoustic excit...
Welcome Mr Wang to join the group as PhD Candidates, while Mr Nie and Mr Xiong as final-year undergraduate students!
We are delighted to confirm our attendance at this year’s conference in person. We will be presenting five papers showcasing our latest research.
Congratulations to Mr Haopeng Tian to have his paper accepted in JFM! The title of the accepted paper is “The impact of non-frozen turbulence on the modellin...
Welcome Mr Liu and Mr Zhou to join the group as PhD Candidates!
We are delighted to confirm our attendance at this year’s conference in person. We will be presenting three papers showcasing our latest research.
Congratulations to have a new paper accepted in JFM! The title of the accepted paper is “Analytical Green’s function for the acoustic scattering by a flat pl...
Congratulations to Mr Binhong Li to have his paper accepted in JFM! The title of the accepted paper is “Acoustic emission due to the interaction between shoc...
Welcome Mr Zhang and Ms Xu to join the group as PhD Candidates!
Welcome Ms Wang join the group! Ms Wang will be coordinating the teaching and research within the group.
Times flies - it’s been almost three years since we attended the last AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics conference.
Welcome Mr Li to join the group as a PhD Candidate!
Welcome Mr Tian to join the group as a PhD Candidate!
We have now moved to Peking University!
We will present serrations of a novel shape!
We will present a super fast model for trailing/leading-edge noise prediction for serrated edges.