• June 3 , PhD student Xinxing Guo, Ruiyu Xu, and Zheren Song succesfully defended their PhD Dissertations. Congratulations Dr. Guo, Dr. Xu, and Dr. Song! (郭鑫星、徐瑞宇和宋喆人同学通过博士论文答辩
  • April 19 , Dr. Wu attended the 2024 China Society for Operations Research--Reliability Devision Annual Conference and delieved an invited presentation titled "Generalized Time Warping Invariant Dictionary Learning for Time Series Classification and Clustering". (吴老师参加了在成都举办的2024年中国运筹学会可靠性分会年会并做了邀请报告)


  • December 6 , Dr. Wu received the Excellent Supervisor Award from College of Engineering (吴老师获得北京大学工学院优秀导师奖).
  • October 15 , PhD student Ruiyu Xu won the Data Mining Best Paper Award in the 2023 INFORMS Annual Meeting. Congratulations Ruiyu! (博士生徐瑞宇同学获得2023年美国运筹与管理科学年会数据挖掘最佳论文奖)
  • August 7, 2023, PhD student Xinming Wang's paper titled "Non-stationary and Sparsely-correlated Multi-output Gaussian Process with Spike-and-Slab Prior" was selected as one of the four finalists for the INFORMS 2023 Data Mining Best Paper Award Competition (general track). He will make presentation for the final competition. Congratulations Xinming!(王新明同学论文入围美国运筹学与管理科学学会年会数据挖掘分会最佳论文比赛(general track)决赛)
  • August 7, 2023, PhD student Ruiyu Xu's paper titled "Generalized Time Warping Invariant Dictionary Learning for Time Series Classification and Clustering" was selected as one of the four finalists for the INFORMS 2023 Data Mining Best Paper Award Competition (student track). He will make presentation for the final competition. Congratulations Ruiyu!(徐瑞宇同学论文入围美国运筹学与管理科学学会年会数据挖掘分会最佳论文比赛(student track)决赛)
  • July 24, 2023, PhD student Xinming Wang won the Best Presentation Award, and PhD student Ruiyu Xu won the Second Prize in the PhD student Forum of the 11th International Symposium on Quality and Reliability Science and Technology (QRST2023). Congratulations Xinming and Ruiyu! (博士生王新明徐瑞宇分别获得2023年第11届质量与可靠性科学与技术国际研讨会博士生论坛最佳展示奖一等奖(唯一)二等奖)
  • July 11-13 , Dr. Wu attended the 2023 Joint Conference on Statistics and Data Science, and delivered an invited presentation titled "Regularized Multi-output Gaussian Convolution Process with Domain Adaptation". (吴老师参加了2023首届全国统计与数据科学联合会议并做了邀请报告)
  • June 1, 2023, PhD student Yuanyuan Gao succesfully defended her PhD Dissertation. She will join Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics as an Assistant Professor. Congratulations Dr. Gao!(高园园通过博士论文答辩,即将以讲师身份入职南京航空航天大学)
  • May 15, 2023, PhD student Yuanyuan Gao is awarded Outstanding Graduates of Peking University. Congratulations Yuanyuan! (高园园同学获得北京大学优秀毕业生称号)


  • Dec 16, 2022, Prof. Daniel Apley from Northwestern University gave a wonderful talk titled "Interpreting Black-Box Supervised Learning Models Via Accumulated Local Effects" in Peking University Engineering Seminar Series. Thank you Prof. Apley.
  • Dec 3 , Dr. Wu delivered a keynote presentation in 2022 Frontier Forum on Economic Management, Decision Making and Information Technology hosted by Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences. (吴老师获邀参中国科学院举办的”经济管理、决策与信息技术前沿论坛“并做主题报告)
  • Nov 22 , Dr. Wu served as a session chair in 2022 PKU Workshop on Operations Research and Machine Learning (吴老师作为session主持人参与了2022年北京大学举办的运筹学与机器学习国际研讨会)
  • October 20 , PhD student Ruiyu Xu won the Best Student Paper Award Finalist in the 2022 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Cluster of Sustainability: Science, Engineering and Analytics. Congratulations Ruiyu! (博士生徐瑞宇获得2022年美国运筹与管理科学年会最佳学生论文入围奖)
  • October 18 , PhD student Xinming Wang won the Best Paper Award in the 2022 INFORMS QSR paper competition. Congratulations Xinming! (博士生王新明获得2022年美国运筹与管理科学年会QSR最佳论文奖)
  • October 15, 2022, Coauthored paper "Failure-averse Active Learning for Physics-constrained Systems" received the Best Theoretical Paper Award Finalist in the 2022 INFORMS Data Mining and Decision Analytics Workshop. (吴老师合作文章获得2022年美国运筹与管理科学年会数据挖掘与决策分析研讨会最佳论文入围奖)
  • August 31, PhD student Xinming Wang's paper entitled "Regularized Multi-output Gaussian Convolution Process with Domain Adaptation" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), a top journal in the AI area . Congratulations Xinming!
  • August 24, 2022, PhD student Ruiyu Xu won the finalist of the best application paper competition in the joint conference of 2022 Annual Meeting of Institute of Quality and Reliability of Tsinghua University, and 2022 International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability, and Safety (ICRMS 2022). Congratulations Ruiyu!(徐瑞宇同学论文获得“清华质量与可靠性研究院年会”以及“ICRMS2022国际会议”最佳应用论文入围奖)
  • August 24, 2022, PhD student Xinming Wang won the best theoretical paper award in the joint conference of 2022 Annual Meeting of Institute of Quality and Reliability of Tsinghua University, and 2022 International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability, and Safety (ICRMS 2022). Congratulations Xinming!(王新明同学论文获得“清华质量与可靠性研究院年会”以及“ICRMS2022国际会议”最佳理论论文奖)
  • August 4, 2022, Dr. Wu gave an online presentation about intelligent manufacturing invited by Shanghai Jiao Tong Unviersity (吴老师获上海交通大学高晓沨教授邀请做了关于智能制造的在线报告)
  • July 15, 2022, PhD student Honglun Xu succesfully defended his PhD Dissertation. He will work as a research assisant professor at UTEP. Congratulations Dr. Xu! (博士生许洪伦通过博士论文答辩,将以研究助理教授身份继续在德克萨斯大学艾尔帕索分校工作)
  • July 7, 2022, Dr. Wu received Excellent Teaching Award by Peking University (吴老师获得北京大学教学优秀奖)
  • May 26, 2022, PhD student Xuedong Zhu succesfully defended his PhD Dissertation. He will join Alibaba. Congratulations Dr. Zhu! (博士朱学东通过博士论文答辩,即将入职阿里巴巴)
  • May 26, 2022, PhD student Zhen Li succesfully defended her PhD Dissertation. She will join China Mobile Communications Group Co. Congratulations Dr. Li! (博士生李珍通过博士论文答辩,即将以“金种子人才引进计划”入职中国移动总部IT中心)
  • May 24, 2022, MS student Mr. Shilong Jia won First Prize in the 30th "Challenge Cup" Competition (硕士研究生贾时龙获得北京大学第三十届挑战杯一等奖)
  • May 16, 2022, PhD student Zhen Li is awarded Excellent Graduates of Peking University. Congratulations Zhen! (博士生李珍获得北京大学优秀毕业生称号)
  • May 4, 2022, Dr. Wu received MEM Outstanding Mentor Award in MEM 10-year Anniversary (吴老师获得工程管理硕士项目十周年卓越导师奖)
  • March 25, 2022, Prof. Bianca Colosimo from Politecnico di Milano gave a wonderful talk titled "Data mining in Additive manufacturing: opportunities and challenges of digital manufacturing for zero-waste production" in Peking University Engineering Seminar Series. Thank you Prof. Colosimo.
  • January 6, 2022, The project “Research and Applications of Key Technologies of Industrial Cloud based Intelligent Monitoring System” led by Dr. Wu won Second Prize in Innovation Achievements of Industry-University-Research Cooperation held by China Industry-University-Research Institute Collaboration Association. (吴老师牵头申报的“基于工业云的智能监测系统关键技术研究与应用”项目成果获得中国产学研合作促进会产学研合作创新成果二等奖)


  • Nov 17, 2021, Dr. Wu's course reform project was awarded first prize by college of engineering. (吴老师本科生教改项目获得北大工学院一等奖)
  • October 27, 2021, Coauthored paper "Partitioned Active Learning for Heterogeneous Systems" was selected as one of the four finalists of the Best Referred Paper Competition in the QSR division of the 2021 INFORMS Annual Meeting. (吴老师合作文章获得2021年美国运筹与管理科学年会QSR分会最佳论文入围奖)
  • October 27, 2021, PhD students YuanYuan Gao, Ruiyu Xu, Zheren Song, Song Huang won the Championship in the INFORMS QSR Data Challenge! (课题组博士生高园园、徐瑞宇、宋喆人以及黄松获得2021美国运筹与管理科学年会QSR数据挑战赛冠军) 链接
  • Oct 16, 2021, Prof. Wu attended the 4th Big Data Driven Smart Manufacturing Conference held in Hangzhou as a keynote speaker. (吴老师受邀参加了第四届大数据驱动的智能制造学术会议并作了主题报告。链接)
  • Sept 25, 2021, Prof. Wu and Prof. Jie Song won the Best Instructor Award in the 2021 China Engineering Management Case Competition, Beijing District. (吴老师和宋洁老师获得2021首届中国工程管理案例大赛北京赛区最佳指导教师奖,所指导的工程管理硕士团队获得北京赛区冠军。链接)
  • Sept, 2021, PhD student Yuanyuan Gao won the Academic Innovation Award and First Prize Scholarship. Congratulations Yuanyuan!(高园园同学获得北京大学工学院学术创新奖以及苏州工业园区一等奖学金)
  • Sept, 2021, PhD student Zhen Li won the National Scholarship, one of the topmost scholarships in China. Congratulations Zhen!(李珍同学获得国家奖学金)
  • Sept 10, 2021, Prof. Wu won the Excellent Moral Education Award from Peking University. Congratulations Dr. Wu! (吴老师获得北京大学优秀德育奖)
  • August 18, 2021, Dr. Wu received a new NSFC (National Natural Science Foundation of China) grant. The research is aimed at improving the quality and reliability of complex manufacturing systems. Congratulations Dr. Wu! . (吴老师获得国家自然科学基金面上项目资助)
  • July 30, 2021, Prof. Wu and Prof. Jie Song co-organized/co-chaired a Session titled "Data Analytics in Service and Manufacturing System" in the Thirteenth International Conference of the Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE2021) held by Shanghai Jiao Tong University. (吴老师和宋洁老师在第十三届全球华人学者管理科学与工程学会年会共同组织了主题为"服务与制造系统数据分析"的分会)
  • July 30, 2021, PhD student Md Fashiar Rahman succesfully defended his PhD Dissertation titled:”Quality Assessment Of Composite Manufacturing Using Automated Visual Inspection System With SEM Images”. He currently has several academic job offers. Congratulations Dr. Rahman! (博士生Fashiar通过博士论文答辩,即将入职高校担任助理教授或讲师)
  • July 29, 2021, Coauthored paper "Neural Network Gaussian Process considering Input Uncertainty for Composite Structures Assembly" won the best poster award in the Quality and Productivity Research Conference (QPRC). Congratulations Cheolhei and Dr. Yue! (吴老师合作文章获得2021年美国质量与生产率研究会议最佳海报奖)
  • June 23, 2021, PhD student Xuedong Zhu won the prestigious Presidential Fellowship. Congratulations Xuedong! (朱学东同学获得北京大学校长奖学金)
  • May 1, 2021, Prof. Wu received a grant from the State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting. Congratulations Prof. Wu! (吴老师申请的开放基金课题获得中国石油大学油气资源与探测国家重点实验室资助)
  • April 22, 2021, Prof. Wu received a teaching reform grant from College of Engineering, Peking University. This grant will support development and reform of the probability and statistics related courses for COE undgraduate students. (吴老师获得教学改革项目资助,建设与改革工学院本科生概率统计类课程)


  • Nov 24, 2020, Prof. Andrew Kusiak from the University of Iowa gave a wonderful talk for our department on the topic of "Smart Manufacturing". Thank you Prof. Kusiak.
  • October 23, 2020, Coauthored paper "Neural Network Gaussian Process considering Input Uncertainty for Composite Structures Assembly" won the best student paper award in the DAIS division of the 2020 IISE Annual Conference. Congratulations Cheolhei and Dr. Yue! (吴老师合作文章获得2020年美国工业与系统工程年会数据分析与信息系统分部最佳学生论文奖)
  • October 23, 2020, Xuedong Zhu joined our lab. Welcome Xuedong!(朱学东加入吴老师课题组)
  • October 13, 2020, PhD student Zhen Li won the Dean's Scholarship. Congratulations Zhen!(李珍同学获得院长一等奖学金)
  • October 2, 2020, PhD student Ruiyu Xu's paper titled "Online Structural Change-point Detection of High-dimensional Streaming Data via Dynamic Sparse Subspace Learning" was selected as one of the four finalists for the 2020 INFORMS QSR Best Paper Competition. He will make presentation on November 8 for the final competition. Congratulations Ruiyu!(徐瑞宇同学论文入围美国运筹学与管理科学学会年会QSR分会最佳论文比赛决赛)
  • September 22, 2020, PhD student Yuanyaun Gao won the National Scholarship, one of the topmost scholarships in China. Congratulations Yuanyuan!(高园园同学获得国家奖学金)
  • September, 2020, Xinxing Guo joined our lab. Welcome Xinxing! (郭鑫星加入吴老师课题组)
  • August, 2020, Zheren Song joined our lab. Welcome Zheren! (宋喆人加入吴老师课题组)
  • July 9, 2020, Prof. Wu was awarded the P&G Faculty Fellowship by Peking University. Congratulations Prof. Wu! (吴老师获得北京大学宝洁教师奖)
  • June 29, 2020, new PhD student Xinming Wang won the prestigious Presidential Fellowship. Congratulations Xinming! (新明获得北京大学校长奖学金)
  • March 30, 2020, PhD student Yuanyuan Gao won the Dean's scholarship. Congratulations Yuanyuan! (园园获得工学院院长奖学金)
  • March 26, 2020, PhD student Yuxin Wen received a tenure-track Assistant Professor job offer from Chapman University and will joint it this summer. Congratulations Yuxin!(雨欣获得Chapman大学助理教授职位)


  • September 2019, PhD student Zhen Li won a first prize graduate scholarship. Congratulations Zhen! (李珍获得苏州工业园区一等奖学金)
  • August 29, Dr. Wu's paper entitled "Adaptive Minimal Confidence Region Rule for Multivariate Initial Bias Truncation in Discrete-event Simulations" has been accepted by Technometrics, the top journal in the area of engineering/applied statistics and quality/reliability engineering. Congratulations Dr. Wu!
  • August 22-26, Dr. Wu attended the IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE 2019) in Vancouver, Canada. He co-organized the special session "Industrial Data Analytics for Smart Manufacturing" and co-chaired the session "Reliability and Risk of Cyber-Physical Systems"
  • August 16, 2019, the proposal titled "Towards High-Quality Intelligent Manufacturing: Quality Science Research under Industrial Big Data Environment" was funded by the Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (国家自然科学基金重点项目),PI: Dr. Kaibo Wang (Tsinghua Univ.), PI: Dr. Jianguo Wu (Peking Univ.), Co-PI: Dr. Chen Zhang (Tsinghua Univ.). Congratulations Dr. Wu!
  • August 2, 2019, Dr. Wu was appointed as an Associate Editor for Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing.
  • July 5-6, 2019, The 9th International Symposium on Quality Science and Reliability Technology was held in Peking University. Dr. Xi Zhang and Dr. Jianguo Wu co-organized this conference. Conference Brochure and Photo .
  • June, 2019, PhD student Mr. Ruiyu Xu won the prestigious Presidential Fellowship. Congratulations Ruiyu! (瑞宇获得北大校长奖学金)
  • June 10-14, 2019, Dr. Wu received the Best Organizer of Symposium and Session (BOSS) Award in MSEC 2019 Conference in Erie, Pennsylvania with Dr. Chao Ma from TAMU and Dr. John Vickers from NASA. Congratulations Dr. Wu!
  • May 29, 2019, Prof. Satish T.S. Bukkapatnam from TAMU visited our lab and gave our graduate students a wonderful talk on the topic of "Manufacturing of Smart Wearables". Thank you Prof. Bukkapatnam. Photo


  • August 19-25, 2018, Dr. Wu served as an organizer and chair/co-chair with Dr. Feng Ju and Dr. Hao Yan from ASU in the 14th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering in Munich, Germany.
  • August 18, 2018, Dr. Wu has received his first NSFC (National Natural Science Foundation of China) grant (¥720K). The research is aimed at improving the quality of 3D printed products by driving the frontiers of in situ process monitoring and feedback defects mitigation onto a new level through the application of various sensing technolgoy and advanced data analytics. Congratulations Dr. Wu!
  • April 10, 2018, PhD Student Md Fashiar Rahman won the NSF Travel Grant for 2018 ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. Congratulations Fashiar!
  • February 16, 2018, Dr. Wu's Proposal titled “Advancement of additive manufacturing process monitoring and metal matrix composite fabricationhas been funded by The Department of The Army-Army Research Laboratory (ARL) ($900K, 07/01/2017-06/30/2020, due to job relocation, Dr. Wu quitted this project and Dr. Ryan Wicker took full responsibility for it). Congratulations Dr. Wu! news1 news2
  • January 3, 2018, Dr. Wu visited Prof. Kewei Yang, Chair of the Department of Management science and Engineering, National University of Defence Technology, and gave an invited presentation entitled "Towards High-Quality, Reliability and Smartness: Data-driven Modeling, Monitoring and Prognosis" . Thank Prof. Yang for the invitation.


  • December 23, 2018, Dr. Wu was invited to gave a presentation entitled "Data-driven modeling, monitoring and control of advanced manufacturing" in the Forum on Artificial Intelligence Frontiers, hosted by Peking University
  • December 8, 2017, Dr. Wu joined the College of Engineering, Peking Univeristy under “The Thousand Talents Plan” for  Distinguished Young Scholars. He will continue to supervise his three PhD students at UTEP. Best wishes for him!
  • Oct 22-25, 2017, Dr. Wu and PhD student Yuxin Wen attended the INFORMS Annual Meeting in Houston. Dr. Wu and Dr. Qiang Zhou from University of Arizona co-organized a Session titled "Analysis of Complex Manufacturing Data".
  • Oct 17, 2017, Dr. Wu was invitated to White Sands Missile Range (WSMR, New Mexico) and gave a three-hour lecture on Industrial Data Analytics for engineers there(吴博士在美国白沙导弹试验靶场邀请下给其工程师讲授工业大数据分析课程).
  • July, 2017, PhD student Ms. Wen was awarded the prestigious Frank B.Cotton Trust scholarship. Congratulations Yuxin!
  • May 28, 2017, PhD student Ms. Wen's Paper titled "Multiple Phase Modeling of Degadation Signal for Condition Monitoring and Remaining Useful Life Prediction" is Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Reliability. Congratulations Yuxin!
  • May 20-23, 2017, Dr. Wu and PhD student Yuxin Wen attended the IISE Annual Conference 2017 in Pittsburgh. Dr. Wu and Dr. Mingyang Li from USF co-organized a Session titled "Data Science and Analytics for Quality and Reliability Assurance".
  • April 24, 2017, PhD Student Zhonghua Hu has successfully defended his PhD dissertation titled "Image Data Mining for Quality Control of Nanofiber Reinforced Piezoelectric Nanocomposites Based on SEM Image"! Congratulations Zhonghua!
  • Feb 20, 2017, PhD Student Yuxin Wen has won the UTEP Graduate School Travel Grant,Congratulations Yuxin!


  • August, 2016, Mr. Honglun Xu joined the MDASI Lab. Welcome Honglun!
  • June, 2016, Mr. Honglun Xu, who will join MDASI as a PhD student this August, won the Anita Mochen Loya Fellowship.
  • May 8, 2016, Dr. Wu's Paper "Bayesian Hierarchical Linear Modeling of Profile Data with Applications to Quality Control of Nanomanufacturing" was Accepted by IEEE TASE.
  • April 9, 2016, Dr. Wu served as a session Chair in the Southwest Emerging Technology Symposium (SETS) in El Paso.
  • February, 2016, Ms. Yuxin Wen joined the MDASI Lab. Welcome Yuxin.


  • July 22, 2015, Dr. Wu won the STARS award ($200,000) from the University of Texas System (14 educational institutions, including eight universities and six health institutions). Congratulations Dr. Wu!




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