Jianguo Wu(吴建国)

Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Peking University
Beijing, China

Phone: 010- 82524906
Email: j.wu[AT]pku.edu.cn


Ph.D 08/2015 Industrial & Systems Engineering University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI.
M.S. 5/2014 Statistics University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI.
M.S. 05/2011 Mechanical Engineering Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
B.S. 07/2009 Mechanical Engineering Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Working Experiences

01/2024-present Associate Professor (长聘副教授), 研究员, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Peking University
12/2017-12/2023 研究员, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Peking University
08/2015-12/2017 Assistant Professor (tenure track), Department of Industrial, Manufacturing and Systems Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering (affiliated), Computational Science Program, University of Texas at El Paso
09/2011-08/2015 Graduate Research Assistant , Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Advisor: Prof. Shiyu Zhou

Graduate Research Assistant , School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, Advisor: Prof. Ashlie Martini

Research Interests

My research focuses on engineering-informed machine learning and data analytics for intelligent manufacturing and complex systems.

  • Data analytics for manufacturing system improvement: metal matrix nanocomposites fabrication; 3D printing, steel manufacturing; quality characterization and quantification; nondestructive inspection; modeling, monitoring and analysis for quality control and process improvement.
  • Data-driven fault detection, diagnostics and prognostics of complex systems: integration of machine learning, statistical modeling and reliability theory for anomaly detection, diagnostics and prognostics of smart and connected systems, e.g., aero-engines.
  • Data analytics methodology development: deep learning; online change-point detection; steady-state detection; Bayesian inference; state-space models; sequential Monte Carlo techniques; high-dimensional data fusion and monitoring; Gaussian process.


  • Machine Learning Fundamentals, undergraduate, Peking University
  • Probability Theory, undergraduate (力学强基计划), Peking University
  • Industrial Data Analytics, Master of Engineering Management (MEM), Peking University
  • Supply Chain Management, MEM, Peking University
  • Applied Stochastic Models, graduate, Industrial Engineering, Peking University
  • Experimental Design and Data Analysis, graduate, Industrial Engineering, Spring 2019, Peking University
  • Probability and Mathematical Statistics, undergraduate (元培), FALL 2018/2019, Peking University
  • IE/SE/MFG5314: Robotics and Flexible Automation, graduate level, Fall 2016, 2017, UTEP
  • MFG5359: Computer Aided Manufacturing, graduate, Spring 2016, 2017, UTEP
  • IE4395, IE/MFG 5390 : Introduction to Industrial Data Analytics, graduate, Fall 2015,2016, 2017, Spring 2017

Honors & Awards

  • Excellent Supervisor Award (优秀导师奖), College of Engineering, Peking University, 2023
  • Excellent Teaching Award (教学优秀奖),Peking University, 2022
  • MEM Outstanding Mentor Award (工程管理硕士项目十周年卓越导师奖),College of Engineering, Peking University, 2022
  • 教学改革项目一等奖,College of Engineering, Peking University,2021
  • Best Instructor Award (最佳指导教师奖), National Engineering Management Professional Degree Graduate Education Steering Committee, 2021
  • Excellent Moral Education Award (优秀德育奖), Peking University, 2021
  • P&G Faculty Fellowship (宝洁教师奖), Peking University, 2020
  • Best Organizer of Symposium and Session Award, 2019 Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), The Manufacturing Engineering Devision of ASME, 2019
  • Featured Article in Industrial and Systems Engineer (IISE) Magazine, 2018
  • “The Thousand Talents Plan” for  Distinguished Young Scholars(千人计划青年项目), the Organization Department of China, 2017
  • STARS Award , University of Texas Systems, 2015.
  • NSF Travel Grant , ISERC Conference, 2015, Nashville, TN
  • Best Student Paper Award Finalist, Quality Control and Reliability Engineering (QCRE) Division of ISERC,
    Nashville, Tennessee, 06/2015.
  • NSF Travel Grant , ISERC Conference, 2014, Montreal, Canada
  • Richard S. and Harriet K. Fein Scholarship, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2014-2015.
  • E. Wayne Kay Graduate Scholarship, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 2014-2015.
  • Huang Yi-Cong Couple Scholarship, Tsinghua University, 2007
  • First Class Scholarship for Academic Excellence, Tsinghua Univeristy, 2006
  • First Prize, 23rd National University Students Physics Competition, Beijing, Chinese Physics Society, 2006


  • Associate Editor, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (2024-present)
  • Associate Editor, IISE Transactions (2023-present)
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (2019-present)
  • Paper Reviewer for the following journals
    • IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
    • IISE Transactions
    • Technometrics
    • IEEE Transactions on Reliability
    • Reliability Engineering & System Safety
    • ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
    • International Journal of Production Research
    • Journal of Manufacturing Systems
    • IET Control Theory & Applications


  • National Natural Science Foundation of China
  • HBIS Shijiazhuang Iron & Steel Co., Ltd
  • Peking University
  • The Department of the Army, Army Research Laboratory (ARL)
  • University of Texas Systems
  • University of Texas at El Paso




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