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1986年4月 加拿大The University of British Columbia 工学博士
1980年4月 泰国Asian Institute of Technology 工学硕士
1978年5月 新加坡National University of Singapore 工学学士
1.Digital Humans数码人技术
3.Space Dynamics Modeling航天动力学模型设计
4.Nano-Electronics 纳米电子研究
5.Multibody Dynamics Modeling of Frictional Contact摩擦接触多体动力学模型设计
1996-Present    美国The University of Iowa大学机械工程系终身正教授
2002-2006       复旦大学第五批长江学者特聘教授
1992-Present       Senior Member, American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics
1989- Present      Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
1986-Present       Member, American Academy of Mechanics
2002-2004           Chair, ASME Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound
2000-2002           Vice-Chair, ASME Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound
2000-Present       Member of the Editorial Board, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics
1999- Present      Member of the Editorial Board, Institution of Mechanical Engineers Journal of Multibody Dynamics
1992- Present      Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics in Science and Technology
1998- 2004         Associate Editor, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics
1998- 2001         Theme Editor for Space Systems, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences)
多年来,从事过机械系统、结构振动、航天工程、非线性力学,计算力学,现在又进行纳米力学、纳米电子、生物医学工程和数码人的研究,除了担任5个国际杂志的主编、副主编及编委等职务外,还一直为国际工程力学方面的15个杂志审稿,组织和主持在亚洲、加拿大和美国召开的工程力学方面的国际会议14次,担任这些学术会议的组委会成员和主席,曾多次被指定为国际会议的International Advisory Committee成员,并多次邀请在国际力学会议上做特邀报告,是美国国家基金委、加拿大自然科学工程研究会项目评审专家,还是加拿大、美国、亚洲等国的一些大学的的外邀评审专家。1987年至今发表了150多篇论文,其中被SCI收录60多篇,被EI收录50多篇。从事科学研究以来,承担过加拿大、美国和中国的自然科学基金项目和航天科技项目,涉及到航天动力学、多体动力学、非线性动力学、结构力学、机械振动、有限元方法、流固耦合、机械状况监测等研究领域,成绩显著,是北美工程力学方面中青年优秀学者和科学家。
1) Zhang, Fanli and Ray P.S. Han, “An assessment of fatigue-related EMG median frequency statistical models revisited”, in press: Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 2006.
2) Mao, S.G. and Ray P.S. Han, “Nonlinear Complementarity Equations for Modeling Tire-Soil Interaction – An Incremental Bekker Approach”, in press: Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2006.
3) Zhang, Meiyan and Ray P.S. Han, “Novel Method for Structural Dynamic Reanalysis Based on Rational Approximation and Eigen-Sensitivity”, in press, Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2006.
4) Xiao, Shaoping, Ray P.S. Han and Wenyi Hou, “Spin in Carbon Nanotube-based Oscillators”, International Journal of Nanoscience, in press, 2006.
5) Xiao, S., D.R. Andersen, Ray P.S. Han and W. Hou, “Studies of Carbon Nanotube-Based Oscillators Using Molecular Dynamics,” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 3, 142–147, 2006.         
6) Bhatti, M.A., Ray P.S. Han and R. Vignes, “Muscle Forces and Fatigue in a Digital Human Environment”, SAE 2005 Transactions Journal of Passenger Cars – Mechanical Systems, V114-6, 2930-2936, 2006.
7) Zhou, Yuanpai and Ray P.S. Han, “A Genetic Algorithm with Elite Crossover and Dynastic Change Strategies”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3612, 269-278, 2005.
8) Han, Ray P.S. and S.G. Mao, “DAE for Frictional Contact Modeling of Constrained Multi-Flexible Body Systems”, Journal of Vibration Engineering, 17, 673-677, 2004.
9) Tyc, G. and Ray P.S. Han, “On the Dynamics of Spinning Tethered Space Vehicles”, Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences of the Royal Society, 359, 2161-2190, 2001.
10) Han, Ray P.S. and S.G. Mao, “Hamilton Equation-Based Symplectic Finite Element Modeling of Flexible Multibodies Undergoing Large Overall Motion”, IMechE Journal of Multibody Dynamics, 215, 75-92, 2001.
11) Luo, A.C.J. and Ray P.S. Han, “The Resonant Theory for Stochastic Layers in Nonlinear Dynamic Systems”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 12, 2493-2508, 2001.
12) Han, Ray P.S., Brian S. Sander and S.G. Mao, “A Recursive Multibody Model of a Tracked Vehicle and its Interaction with Flexible Ground”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 11, 133-150, 2001.
13) Luo, A.C.J. and Ray P.S. Han, "The Dynamics of Stochastic and Resonant Layers in a Periodically Driven Pendulum", Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 11, 2349-2359, 2000.
14) Luo, A.C.J. and Ray P.S. Han, “Investigation of Stochastic Layers in Nonlinear Dynamics”, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 122, 36-41, 2000.
15) Luo, A.C.J. and Ray P.S. Han, “Analytical Predictions of Chaos in a Nonlinear Rod”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 227, 523-544, 1999.
16) Luo, A.C.J., K. Gu and Ray P.S. Han, “Resonant-Separatrix Webs in Stochastic Layers of the Twin-Well Duffing Oscillator”, Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics, 19, 37-48, 1999.
17) Han, Ray P.S. and Jia Lu, “A Space-Time Finite Element for Elasto-Plastic Shock Dynamics of Beams”, Journal of Sound & Vibration, 222, 65-84, 1999.
18) Bettig, B.P. and Ray P.S. Han, “Modeling the Lateral Vibration of Hydraulic Turbine Generator Rotors”, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 121, 322-327, 1999.
19) Han, Ray P.S. and A.C.J. Luo, “Resonant Layers in Nonlinear Dynamics”, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 65, 727-736, 1998.
20) Bettig, B.P. and Ray P. S. Han, “Predictive Maintenance using a Rotordynamic Model of a Hydraulic Turbine-Generator Rotor”, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 120, 441-448, 1998.
21) Mou, Yanghu and Ray P.S. Han, “Influence of Damage in the Vicinity of a Macrocrack Tip”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 55, 617-632, 1996.
22) Luo, A.C.J., Ray P.S. Han, G. Tyc, V.J. Modi and A.K. Misra, “Analytical Vibration and Resonant Motion of a Stretched Spinning Nonlinear Tether”, AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control & Dynamics, 19, 1162-1171, 1996.
23) Mou, Yanghu and Ray P.S. Han, “Damage Evolution in Ductile Materials”, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 5, 241-258, 1996.
24) Luo, Albert C.J. and Ray P.S. Han, “The Dynamics of a Bouncing Ball with a Sinusoidally Vibrating Table Revisited”, Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics, 10, 1-18, 1996.
25) Mou, Yanghu and Ray P.S. Han, “Damage Zones in Strain Hardening Materials”, Mechanics of Materials, 22, 131-147, 1996.
电话 :010-6276 7394 
Email: ray-hanpku.edu.cn