55. D. Jin*, P. Xi*, B. Wang, L. Zhang, J.
Enderlein*, A. M. Oijen*, “Nanoparticles for super-resolution microscopy and
single-molecule tracking”, Nature Methods, (in press).
54. K. Zhanghao, J. Gao, D. Jin, X. Zhang*, P.
Xi*, “Super-resolution fluorescence polarization microscopy”, Journal of
Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 11(1), 1730002 (2018).
53. Y. Liu, Y. Lu*, X. Yang, X. Zheng, S. Wen, F.
Wang, X. Vidal, T. Zhao, D. Liu, Z. Zhou, C. Ma, J. Zhou, J. Piper, P. Xi*,
and D. Jin*, “Amplified stimulated emission in upconversion nanoparticles for
super resolution nanoscopy,” Nature 543, 229-233 (2017).
52. X. Chen, R. Li, Z. Liu, K. Sun, Z. Sun, D. Chen,
G. Xu, P. Xi*, C. Wu*, Y. Sun*. Multicolor super-resolution fluorescence
microscopy with blue and carmine small photoblinking polymer dots. ACS Nano, 56(11), 6362 (2017).
51. X. Chen, R. Li, Z. Liu, K. Sun, Z. Sun, D. Chen,
G. Xu, P. Xi, C. Wu*, Y. Sun*. “Small Photoblinking Semiconductor
Polymer Dots for Fluorescence Nanoscopy”, Advanced Materials 29(5),1604850
(2017), cover paper.
50. K. Zhanghao, L. Chen, X. Yang, M. Wang, Z. Jing,
H. Han, M. Q. Zhang, D. Jin*, J. Gao*, P. Xi*, “Super-resolution dipole
orientation mapping via polarization demodulation”, Light: Science and
Applications 5, e16166 (2016). [2016 Impact factor: 13.6] 该工作被Nature Methods作为研究亮点报道.
49. Z. Zeng, P. Xi*, “Advances in
three-dimensional super-resolution nanoscopy”, Microscopy Research and
Technique, 79(10):893-898 (2016).
48. X. Yang, K. Zhanghao, H. Wang, Y. Liu, F. Wang,
X. Zhang, K. Shi, J. Gao, D. Jin, P. Xi*, “Versatile application of
fluorescent quantum dot labels in super-resolution fluorescence microscopy”, ACS
Photonics, 3(9), 1611–1618 (2016). [2016 Impact factor: 5.404]
47. X. Chen, Z. Zeng, R. Li, B. Xue, P. Xi*, Y.
Sun, Superior performance with sCMOS over EMCCD in super-resolution optical
fluctuation imaging. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 21(6), 066007 (2016).
46. J. Gao, X. Yang, M. N. Djekidel, Y. Wang, P.
Xi, M. Q. Zhang, "Developing bioimaging and quantitative methods to
study 3D genome." Quantitative Biology 4(2) 129-147 (2016).
45. X. Chen, W. Zong, R. Li, Z. Zeng, J. Zhao, P.
Xi, L. Chen, Y. Sun, “Two-photon light-sheet nanoscopy by fluorescence
fluctuation correlation analysis”, Nanoscale 8, 9982-9987 (2016). [2015 Impact factor:7.394]
44. X. Yang, H. Xie, E. Alonas, Y. Liu, X. Chen, Q.
Ren, P. J. Santangelo, P. Xi*, and D. Jin, “Mirror enhanced axial
narrowing super-resolution microscopy”, Light: Science and Applications 5, e16134 (2016). [2016 Impact factor: 13.6] 该工作被Nature Photonics作为研究亮点报道.
43. A. Lal, C. Shan, P. Xi, “Structured
illumination microscopy image reconstruction algorithm”, IEEE Journal of
Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 22(4),
6803414 (2016) [2015 Impact factor: 2.828]
42. X. Chen, M. Wei, M. M. Zheng, J. Zhao, H. Hao, L. Chang, P. Xi, Y. Sun, “Study of RNA Polymerase II Clustering inside Live-Cell Nuclei Using Bayesian Nanoscopy”, ACS Nano 10 (2), pp 2447–2454 (2016) [2015 Impact factor: 12.881]
41. W. Yu, Z. Ji, D. Dong, X. Yang, Y. Xiao, Q. Gong P. Xi*, K. Shi*, “Super-resolution deep imaging with hollow Bessel beam STED microscopy”, Laser Photonics Reviews (2015) doi: 10.1002/lpor.201500151 [2015 Impact factor: 8.008].
40. X. Zhang, X. Chen, Z. Zeng, M. Zhang, Y. Sun, P. Xi*, J. Peng*, and P. Xu*, “Development of a reversibly switchable protein for super-resolution optical fluctuation imaging”, ACS Nano, 9(3) 2659-2667 (2015). [2014 Impact factor: 12.033]
39. X. Chen, Z. Zeng, H. Wang, and P. Xi*, "Three dimensional multimodal sub-diffraction imaging with spinning-disk confocal microscopy using blinking/fluctuation probes," Nano Research, 8(7) 2251-2260 (2015). [2014 Impact factor 7.08]
38. Z. Zeng, X. Chen, H. Wang, N. Huang, C. Shan, H. Zhang, J. Teng, P. Xi*, "Fast Super-Resolution Imaging with Ultra-High Labeling Density Achieved by Joint Tagging Super-Resolution Optical Fluctuation Imaging," Scientific Reports 5, 8359 (2015). [2014 Impact factor 5.408]
37. H. Wang, H. Sun, H. Wei, P. Xi, S. Nie, Q. Ren, “Biocompatible hyaluronic acid polymer-coated quantum dots for CD44+ cancer cell-targeted imaging”, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2014, 16(10): 1-13. [2014 Impact factor 2.278]
36. P. Lv, Y. Xue, H. Liu, Y. Shi, P. Xi, H. Lin, H. Duan, "Symmetric and Asymmetric Meniscus Collapse in Wetting Transition", Langmuir, (2014). DOI: 10.1021/la503465q. [2014 Impact factor 4.384]
35. X. Chen and P. Xi*, "Hundred-thousand light holes push nanoscopy to go parallel," Microscopy Research and Technique, 78(1), 8-10, 2014.
34. C. Dai, S. Fan, X. Chai, Y. Li, Q. Ren, P. Xi*, and C. Zhou*, Dual channel SD-OCT system based on 3×3 fiber coupler for extended imaging range, Applied Optics 53(24) 5375-5379, (2014).
33. N. Liu, C. Dai, Y. Tang, P. Xi*, “Virtual-OCT: A simulated optical coherence tomography instrument”, Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 8(1) 1450030, (2014).
32. X. Yang, Y.-K. Tzeng, Z. Zhu, Z. Huang, X. Chen, Y. Liu, H.-C. Chang, L. Huang, W.-D. Li, and P. Xi*, "Sub-diffraction imaging of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond by stimulated emission depletion and structured illumination," RSC Advances 4, 11305–11310, (2014). [2014 Impact factor 3.708]
31. H. Xie, D. Jin, J. Yu, T. Peng, Y. Ding, C. Zhou, P. Xi*, “Schlieren confocal microscopy for phase-relief imaging”, Opt. Lett., 39(5), 1238-1241, (2014).
30. Y. Lu, J. Zhao, R. Zhang, Y. Liu, D. Liu, E. M. Goldys, X. Yang, P. Xi, A. Sunna, J. Lu, Y. Shi, R. C. Leif, Y. Huo, J. Shen, J. A. Piper, J. P. Robinson, and D. Jin, "Tunable lifetime multiplexing using luminescent nanocrystals," Nature Photonics 8, 32-36 (2014). [2013 Impact factor 27.254]
29. J. Zhao, D. Jin, E. P. Schartner, Y. Lu, Y. Liu, A. V. Zvyagin, L. Zhang, J. M. Dawes, P. Xi, J. A. Piper, E. M. Goldys, and T. M. Monro, “Single nanocrystal sensitivity achieved by enhanced upconversion ” Nature Nanotechnology 8(10), 729-734 (2013) doi:10.1038/nnano.2013.171. [2013 Impact factor 31.170]
28. H. Xie, Y. Liu, P. J. Santangelo, D. Jin, and P. Xi*, “Analytical description of high-aperture STED resolution with 0-2pi vortex phase modulation,” JOSA A 30, 1640-1645 (2013).
27. Y. Ding, Y. Zhang, T. Peng, Y. Lu, D. Jin, Y. Liu, J. Han*, P. Xi*, “Observation of mesenteric microcirculatory disturbance in rat by laser oblique scanning optical microscopy”, Scientific Reports 3:1762, 2013 (DOI: 10.1038/srep01762)
26. Y. Lu, P. Xi, J. A. Piper, Y., and D. Jin, “Time-Gated Orthogonal Scanning Automated Microscopy (OSAM) for High-speed Cell Detection and Analysis”, Scientific Reports 2: 837 (2012) doi:10.1038/srep00837.
25. Y. Liu, Y. Ding, E. Alonas, W. Zhao, P. J. Santangelo, D. Jin, J. A. Piper,J. Teng, Q. Ren, P. Xi*, “Achieving λ/10 Resolution CW STED Nanoscopy with a Ti:Sapphire Oscillator” , PLoS ONE 7(6) e40003, 2012 (DOI: 10.1371/ journal. Pone. 0040003). [2011 Impact Factor 4.41]
24. Y. Ding, H. Xie, T. Peng, Y. Lu, D. Jin, J. Teng, Q. Ren, P. Xi*, “Laser Obique Scanning Optical Microscopy (LOSOM) for Phase Relief Imaging” Optics Express, 20 (13), 14100-14108 (2012). [2011 Impact Factor 3.75]
23. T. Peng, H. Xie, Y. Ding, W. Wang, Z. Li, D. Jin, Y. Tang, Q. Ren, P. Xi*, “CRAFT: multimodality confocal skin imaging for early cancer diagnosis.”, Journal of Biophotonics 5(5-6), 469-476 (2012) [2011 Impact Factor 4.24].
22. H. Wang, X. Xu, X. Li, P. Xi*, Q. Ren, “Systematic design of a cross-polarized dermoscope for visual inspection and digital imaging”, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine, 14(6)26-31 (2011).
21. Y. Ding, P. Xi*, Q. Ren, “Hacking the optical diffraction limit: Review on recent developments of fluorescence nanoscopy”, Chinese Science Bulletin, 56(18) 1857-1876 (2011).
20. P. Xi, K. Mei, T. Braeuler, C. Zhou, Q. Ren, “Evaluation of Spectrometric Parameters in Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography”, Applied Optics 50(3), 366-372 (2011).
19. W. Wang, Y. Liu, P. Xi*, Q. Ren, “Origin and effect of high-order dispersion in ultrashort pulse multiphoton microscopy in 10 femtosecond regime”, Applied Optics 49(35), 6703-6709 (2010).Cover paper.
18. S. Chen, X. Feng, Y. Li, C. Zhou, P. Xi*, Q. Ren, “Software controlling algorithms for the system performance optimization of confocal laser scanning microscope”, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 5(3) 223-228 (2010).
17. Z. Li, P. Huang, X. Zhang, J. Lin, S. Yang, B. Liu, F. Gao, P. Xi, Q. Ren and D. Cui, “RGD-Conjugated Dendrimer-Modified Gold Nanorods for in Vivo Tumor Targeting and Photothermal Therapy”,. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 7(1) 94-104 (2010). [SCI IF=5.408, Cited: 16].
16. Z. Li, P. Huang, X. Zhang, J. Lin, R. He, B. Liu, X. Zhang, S. Yang, P. Xi, X. Zhang, Q. Ren and D. Cui, “Arginine-Glycine-Aspartic Acid-Conjugated Dendrimer-Modified QuantumDots for Targeting and Imaging Melanoma”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10(8), 4859-4867 (2010)
15. Y. Shang, Z. Wang, Y. Pang, P. Xi*, Q. Ren*, “The role of mast cells in non-ablative laser resurfacing with 1,320 nm neodymium:yttrium– aluminium –garnet laser”, Lasers in Medical Science 25(3) 371-377 (2009).
14. M. Jiang, C. Zhou, W. Wang, P. Xi, Q. Ren, “Comparative analysis of Zernike aberrations generation with deformable mirrors for ocular adaptive optics”, J. Modern Optics, 56(16) 1741-1746 (2009).
13. P. Xi, Y. Andegeko, D. Pestov, V. V. Lozovoy, M. Dantus, “ Two-photon imaging using adaptive phase compensated ultrashort laser pulses”, Journal of Biomedical Optics 14(1) 014002, (2009) [SCI IF=3.08, Cited: 16].
12. P. Xi, Y. Andegeko, L. R. Weisel, V. V. Lozovoy, M. Dantus, “Greater signal, increased depth, and less photobleaching in two-photon microscopy with 10 femtosecond pulses”, Optics Communications 281(4), 1841-1849 (2008). [SCI IF=1.314, Cited: 31]
11. P. Xi, B. Rajwa, J. Jones, J. P. Robinson, “The design and construction of a cost-efficient confocal microscope”, American J. Physics, 75(3), 203-207 (2007). [SCI IF=0.889, Cited: 1]
10. Y. Wu, P. Xi, J. Qu, et al., “Depth-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy of normal and dysplastic cervical tissue,” Optics Express, 13 (2), 382-388 (2005) [SCI IF=3.709, Cited: 22]
9. Y. Wu, P. Xi, J. Y. Qu, T. Cheung, and M. Yu, “Depth-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy reveals layered structure of tissue,” Opt. Express 12(14), 3218-3223, 2004. [SCI IF=3.709, Cited: 23]
8. E. Dai, P. Xi, C. Zhou, L. Liu, “Multifunctional double-layered diffractive optical element”, Opt. Lett., 28(17), 1513-1515, 2003. [SCI IF=3.711, Cited: 16]
7. P. Xi, C. Zhou, E. Dai, L. Liu, “Generation of near field hexagonal array illumination”, Opt. Lett., 27(4), 228-230, 2002. [SCI IF=3.711, Cited: 29]
6. P. Xi, C. Zhou, E. Dai, L. Liu, “A novel method for ultrashort laser pulse-width measurement based on self-diffractive effect”, Opt. Express, 10(20), 1099-1104, 2002. [SCI IF=3.709, Cited: 12]
5. P. Xi, C. Zhou, S. Zhao, L. Liu, “Phase contrast hexagonal array illumination”, Opt. Comm., 192(3~6) 193-197, 2001. [SCI IF=1.314, Cited: 3]
4. C. Zhou, P. Xi, S. Zhao, L. Liu, “Simple equations for pi-phase-modulated Talbot illuminator”, Microwave & Optical Technology Letters, 29(1), 49-52, (2001). [SCI IF=0.631]
3. S. Zhao, C. Zhou, P. Xi, H. Wang, L. Liu “Number of phase levels in a two-dimensional separable Talbot array illuminator”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 2001, 18(1): 103~107 [SCI IF=1.776, Cited: 2]
2. C. Zhou, H. Wang, S. Zhao, P. Xi, L. Liu, “Number of Phase Levels of a Talbot Array Illuminator”, Appl. Opt., 40(5), 607-613, 2001. [SCI IF=1.701,Cited: 14]
1. H. Wang, C. Zhou, S. Zhao, P. Xi, and L. Liu, “The temporal Fresnel diffractive field of a grating illuminated by an ultrashort pulsed-laser beam”, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 3, 159-163 (2001). [SCI IF=1.752, Cited: 9]
1. S. Leavesley, J. P. Robinson, P. Xi, “Endoscopic imaging device”, US Patent No. US8251896.
2. S. Leavesley, J. P. Robinson, P. Xi, “Endoscopic imaging device”, US Patent No. US8777846.
3. 丁翼晨,谢浩,席鹏, “一种激光扫描位相显微成像方法及系统”,专利号ZL201210338703.6。(发明专利)
4. 杨旭三,席鹏,李浩杰, “一种实时可调谐共聚焦显微成像装置”,专利号ZL201310134339.6.(发明专利)
5. 席 鹏,任秋实,黄欣明,万俊超,“一种多模式共聚焦成像方法及其装置”,专利号ZL200810202398.1 (发明专利)
6. 席 鹏,任秋实,黄欣明,万俊超,“多模式共聚焦成像装置”,专利号 ZL200820155014.0(实用新型专利)
7. 周常河,席鹏,刘立人,“超短激光脉冲时间宽度测量方法”, 专利号ZL01113051.2(发明专利).
8. 周常河,席鹏,刘立人,“六角位相阵列照明方法”,专利号ZL01126097.X (发明专利).
9. 周常河,刘立人,席鹏, “用于光束扫描器的位相板”, 专利号ZL01113052.0(发明专利).
10. 周常河,刘立人,席鹏, “用二元光学技术制造的位相板”, 专利号ZL01246764.2 (实用新型专利).
Peng Xi(ed), Optical Nanoscopy and Novel Microscopy Techniques, CRC Press, ISBN 9781466586291, 2014.
Peng Xi (ed), Optical devices in communication and computation, ISBN 978-953-51-0763-7, InTech, 2012
Peng Xi, Yujia Liu and Qiushi Ren (2011). Scanning and Image Reconstruction Techniques in Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, Laser Scanning, Theory and Applications, Chau-Chang Wang (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-205-0, InTech