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Zhe Liang     

Assistant Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering & Management

Ph.D., 2011,Rutgers, Industrial & Systems Engineering
Master of Eng., 2004, National University of Singapore, Industrial & Systems Engineering
Bachlor of Eng (Hons), 2001, National University of Singapore, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Research Interests:
Large-Scale Combinatorial optimization, Linear & Integer Programming, Network Optimization
Logisitcs, Transportation, Airline Scheduling, Revenue Management, Telecommunication
Working Experience:
2011~ , Peking University, Assistant Professor
2004~2006, National University of Singapore, Research Engineer
Honors and Awards:
Winner for Outstanding Graduate Student Award in the Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, Rutgers University, 2011.
Winner of the Annual INFORMS NJ Chapter Student Contest, 2010.
Honorable Mention for Outstanding Graduate Student Award in the Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, Rutgers University, 2010.
Honorable Mention of the Annual INFORMS NJ Chapter Student Contest, 2009 (with C. A. Chou).
Engineering Fellowship, Rutgers University, 2006-2007
Scholarship, National University of Singapore, 1997-2003
Peer Reviewed Journal Papers (* corresponding author)
J1.        Z. Liang*, W. A. Chaovalitwongse, and E. A. Elsayed, Sequence Assignment Model for Flight Conflict Resolution Problem, Transportation Science, In Press, 2013.
J2.        T. Wu, C. Zhang, Z. Liang, and S. C. H. Leung, A Lagrangian Relaxation-based Method and Models Evaluation for Multi-level Lot Sizing Problems with Backorders, Computers & Operations Research, online first, pages 1-12, 2013.
J3.        Z. Liang, C. Lee, and W. A. Chaovalitwongse, Mathematical Programming Approaches for Dual Multicast Routing Problem with Multilayer Risk Constraints, Annuals of Operations Research, vol 203, pages 101-118, 2013.
J4.        Z. Liang*, and W. A. Chaovalitwongse, A Network-Based Model for the Integrated Weekly Aircraft Maintenance Routing and Fleet Assignment Problem, Transportation Science, online first, pages 1-15, 2012.
J5.        Z. Liang, and W. A. Chaovalitwongse, A Multicast Problem with Shared Risk Cost, Optimization Letters, vol 6(3), pages 571-584, 2012.
J6.        Z. Liang, W. A. Chaovalitwongse, H. C. Huang, and E. L. Johnson, A New Rotation-Tour Network Model for Aircraft Maintenance Routing Problem, Transportation Science, vol 45(1), pages 109-120, 2011.
J7.        Z. Liang, and W. A. Chaovalitwongse, Bounds of Redundant Multicast Routing Problem with SRLG-diverse Constraints: Edge, Path and Tree Models, Journal of Global Optimization, vol 38(2), pages 345-355, 2010.
J8.        Z. Liang, W. A. Chaovalitwongse, M. Cha, and S. B. Moon. Redundant Multicast Routing in Multilayer Networks with Shared Risk Resource Groups: Complexity, Models and Algorithms, Computers & Operations Research, vol 37(10), pages 1731-1739, 2010.
J9.        A. D. Rodriguez, W. A. Chaovalitwongse, Z. Liang, H. Singhal, and H. Pham, Master Defect Record Retrieval Using Network-Based Feature Association, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Reviews, vol 40(3), pages 319-329, 2010.
J10.        Z. Liang, W. A. Chaovalitwongse, A. D. Rodriguez, D. E. Jeffcoat, D. A. Grundel, and J. K. O'Neal, Optimization of Spatiotemporal Clustering for Target Tracking From Multisensor Data, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Reviews, vol 40(2), pages 176-188, 2010.
J11.        H. C. Lau, and Z. Liang, Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows, Algorithms and Test Case Generation. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, vol 11(3), pages 455-472, 2002.
Book Chapters
B1.      Z. Liang, and W. A. Chaovalitwongse, The Aircraft Maintenance Routing Problem, In W. A. Chaovalitwongse, K. C. Furman and P. M. Pardalos, editors, Optimization and Logistics Challenges in the Enterprise, pages 327-348, Springer, New York, 2009.
B2.      M. Cha, W. A. Chaovalitwongse, Z. Liang, J. Yates, A. Shaikh, and S. B. Moon, Integer Linear Programs for Routing and Protection Problems in Optical Networks, In C. A. Floudas, P. M. Pardalos, editors, Encyclopedia of Optimization, Second Edition, pages 1610-1617, Springer, New York, 2009.
B3.      W. A. Chaovalitwongse, H. Pham, S. Hwang, Z. Liang, and C. H. Pham, Recent Advances in Data Mining for Categorizing Text Records, In H. Pham, editors, Recent Advances in Reliability, pages 223-240, Springer, New York, 2008.
Professional Activities:
Annals of Operations Research (5)
European Journal of Operational Research (1)
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (2)
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (1)
IIE Transactions (1)
Journal of Global Optimization (1)
Optimization Letters (8)
Transportation Science (1)
Transportmetrica (1)
Conference Chair/Cochair:
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2010, 2012,
IIE Annual Conference ISERC 2012, 2013
E-mail: liangzhecoe.pku.edu.cn