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李法新 教授


2024.1-      北京大学工学院力学与工程科学系     长聘教授

2014.8-2023.12 北京大学工学院力学与工程科学系     长聘副教授(正高)

2007.10-2014.7  北京大学工学院力学与空天技术系     特聘研究员(副研究员)
2005.3-2007.7   加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学机械工程系   博士后


2000.9-2004.7   清华大学     固体力学        博士
1997.9-2000.7   大连理工大学   港口、海岸及近海工程  硕士
1993.9-1997.7   哈尔滨工程大学  船舶与海洋工程     学士
智能材料与无损检测实验室(Lab for Smart Materials and nondestructive testing)

1、   压电材料及传感器器件

2、   结构健康监测,金属疲劳损伤检测

3、   金属与陶瓷高温模量及内耗测量

4、   高温合金热处理工艺


1.  Qiang Huan, Mingtong Chen, Faxin Li*, A sparse array structural health monitoring system based on SH wave. Meritorious Paper Award(最佳论文一等奖,唯一), 2nd International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring for Railway Systems, Qingdao, China, Oct 16-19, 2018

2.  Hongchen Miao, Faxin Li*, Excitation and reception of shear horizontal waves by using face-shear mode piezoelectric ceramics. Meritorious Paper Award(最佳论文一等奖,唯一), 1st International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring for Railway Systems, Qingdao, China, Oct 12-14, 2016

3.  北京大学教学优秀奖,2023

4.  中国力学青年科技奖,2015.8

5.  四次北京大学优秀博士论文指导教师奖(2014年,2016年,2020年,2023年

6.  2014年度国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金

7.  “电磁固体的变形与断裂”,国家自然科学二等奖(排名第4),2010

8.   8届国际铁电畴会议(ISFD-8)青年学者奖,日本筑波市,20048

9.   清华大学优秀博士论文,20047



IOP期刊Smart Materials and Structures (SCI, IF=3.613), 副主编,2015.1




中国物理学会 内耗与力学谱专业委员会 委员,2022.11-, 青年委员会主任,2023.9-



1. 李法新,谢明宇,唐骥骅。一种基于压电双叠堆共振驱动的高频疲劳试验装置及方法


2. 李法新,谢明宇,王强中。一种高低温环境下材料弹性模量与内耗的测量方法及装置


3. 李法新,谢明宇,宦强。一种材料动态剪切模量的测量方法及其测量装置


4. 李法新,王刚,谢明宇。一种基于超声波导的高温管道壁厚在线监测装置及其方法


5. 李法新,宦强,苗鸿臣。全指向性激励与接收水平剪切波的压电换能器及制备方法

  发明专利号:ZL2017 1 0165316.X,专利申请日:2017320日(授权公告日2019719日)

6. 李法新,王强中,苗鸿臣。一种周期性正交极化的大应变压电陶瓷致动器及制备方法


7. 李法新,付际,夏荣煜。一种软物质力学测量方法及其测量系统


8. 李法新,苗鸿臣,宦强,王强中。用于管道超声导波探伤的压电换能器及其控制方法和应用


9. 李法新,苗鸿臣,谭池。用于激励和接收非弥散超声导波的压电换能器及制备方法





  发明专利号: ZL201510137062.1,申请日期:2015326日(授权公告日2017.9.29

12. 李法新,苗鸿臣。具有压电系数d36的压电陶瓷及其制备方法







  发明专利号: ZL 201410354510.9,申请日期:2014724日(授权公告日:2016817日)



17. 李法新,付际,周锡龙,高鹏。基于局部刚度法的复合材料无损检测系统及其检测方法


18. 高鹏,李法新。一种基于非线性声学的材料无损检测方法和装置





代表性论文30篇 (其它论文见全部论文列表) 

  • 1.      M.Y. Xie, F.X. Li*. New method enables multifunctional measurement of elastic moduli and internal frictions. Journal of Applied Physics, 128, 230902, 2020 (Invited Perspective and Featured Article)

    2.      M.Y. Xie, F.X. Li*. A modified piezoelectric ultrasonic composite oscillator technique for simultaneous measurement of elastic moduli and internal frictions at varied temperature. Review of Scientific Instruments, 91: 015110, 2020 (Selected as Editor’s Pick)

    3.      Q. Huan, M.T. Chen, F.X. Li*. A high-sensitivity and long-distance structural health monitoring system based on bidirectional SH wave phased array. Ultrasonics, 1081061902020

    4.      Q. Huan, M.T. Chen, F.X. Li*.  Long-distance structural health monitoring of buried pipes using pitch-catch T(0,1) wave piezoelectric ring array transducers. Ultrasonics, 1061061622020.

    5.      M.T. Chen, Q. Huan, F.X. Li*. Excitation of moderate-frequency Love wave in a Plexiglas plate on aluminum semi-space. Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, 146(6), EL482, 2019

    6.      H. Qiu, M.T. Chen, Q. Huan, F.X. Li*. Steering and focusing of fundamental shear horizontal guided wave in plates by using multiple-strip metasurfaces. EPL, 127: 46006 (2019)

    7.      M.T. Chen, Q. Huan, Z.Q. Su, F.X. Li*. A tunable bidirectional SH wave transducer based on antiparallel thickness-shear (d15) piezoelectric strips. Ultrasonics 98: 35-50, 2019.

    8.      Q. Huan, M.T. Chen, F.X. Li*. A practical omni-directional SH wave transducer for structural health monitoring based on two thickness-poled piezoelectric half-rings. Ultrasonics 94: 342-349, 2019.

    9.      Q.Z. Wang, F.X. Li*. A low-working-field (2kV/mm), large-strain (>0.5%) piezoelectric multilayer actuator based on periodically orthogonal poled PZT ceramics. Sensors and Actuators A-Physical 2018, 272212-216

    10.  G. Wang, C. Tan, F.X. Li*. A contact resonance viscometer based on the electromechanical impedance of a piezoelectric cantilever. Sensors and Actuators A-Physical, 2017, 267: 401–408

    11.  F.X. Li*, Q. Z. Wang, H.C. Miao. Giant actuation strain nearly 0.6% in a periodically orthogonal poled lead titanate zirconate ceramic via reversible domain switching. J. Appl Phys 2017, 122: 074103 (Featured Article, and highlighted by AIP Scilight: http://aip.scitation.org/doi/full/10.1063/1.5000153)

    12.  H.C. Miao, Q. Huan, Q. Z. Wang, F.X. Li*. Excitation and reception of single torsional wave T(0,1) mode in pipes using face-shear d24 piezoelectric ring array. Smart Mater Struct. 26: 025021, 2017

    13.  H.C. Miao, Q. Huan, F.X. Li*. Excitation and reception of pure shear horizontal waves by using face-shear piezoelectric wafers. Smart Mater Struct. 25: 11LT01, 2016 (Selected as 2016 Highlight)

    14.  H.C. Miao, F.X. Li*. Realization of face-shear piezoelectric coefficient d36 in PZT ceramics via ferroelastic domain engineering. Appl Phys Lett 107, 122902, 2015

    15.  Ji Fu, Chi Tan, Faxin Li*. Quantitative electromechanical impedance method for nondestructive testing based on a piezoelectric bimorph cantilever. Smart Mater Struct. 065038, 2015

    16.  J. Fu, F.X. Li*. A forefinger-like tactile sensor for elasticity sensing based on piezoelectric cantilevers. Sensors & Actuators A Physical 234: 351–358,2015

    17.  J. Fu, X.L. Zhou, F.X. Li*. An adaptive nanoindentation system based on electric bending of a piezoelectric cantilever. Sensors & Actuators A 216: 249-256, 2014

    18.  Hongchen Miao, Xilong Zhou, Shuxiang Dong, Haosu Luo, Faxin Li*. Magnetic-field-induced ferroelectric polarization reversal in magnetoelectric composites revealed by piezorespone force microscopy. Nanoscale 6, 8515, 2014.

    19.  Ji Fu, Faxin Li*. An elastography method based on the scanning contact resonance of a piezoelectric cantilever. Med Phys, 40: 123502, 2013

    20.  Yingwei Li, James Scott, Daining Fang, Faxin Li*. 90-degree polarization switching in BaTiO3 crystals without domain wall motion. Appl Phys Lett, 103, 232901, 2013 (Cover Featured Article)

    21.  Y.W. Li, X.B. Ren, F.X. Li*, H.S. Luo, D.N. Fang*. Large and electric field tunable superelasticity in BaTiO3 crystals predicted by an incremental domain switching criterion. Appl Phys Lett, 102, 092905, 2013 (Cited by Science Perspective on 2013.9.27)

    22.  X.L. Zhou, J. Fu, F.X. Li*. Contact resonance force microscopy for nanomechanical characterization: accuracy and sensitivity. J Appl Phys 114, 064301, 2013

    23.  J. Fu, L.Z. Lin, X.L. Zhou, Y.W. Li, F.X. Li*. A macroscopic non-destructive testing system based on the cantilever-sample contact resonance. Review of Scientific Instruments. 83: 123707, 2012

    24.  Y.W. Li, X.L. Zhou, F.X. Li*. Temperature dependent mechanical depolarization of ferroelectric ceramics. J Phys D-Appl Phys 43, 175501, 2010

    25.  F.X. Li, R.K.N.D. Rajapakse, A constrained domain switching model for polycrystalline ferroelectric ceramics. Part I: model formulation and application to tetragonal materials. Acta Mater, 55: 6472-6480, 2007

    26.  Faxin Li and Daining Fang, Effects of electrical boundary conditions and poling approaches on the mechanical depolarization behavior of PZT ceramics. Acta Mater., 53: 2665-2673, 2005

    27.  Faxin Li and Daining Fang, Simulations of domain switching in ferroelectrics by a three-dimensional finite element model, Mech Mater, 36(10): 959-973, 2004

    28.  王刚,李法新*。基于水平剪切超声导波的高温管道壁厚在线监测。无损检测,41(9)1-6, 2019

    29.   周锡龙*,李法新*,付际。扫描探针声学显微技术研究进展, 固体力学学报,37(2): 107-134, 2016

    30.   高鹏,李法新*。非线性超声相控阵无损检测系统及实验研究,实验力学, 2014, 29(1): 1-11
