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     中国力学学会理事;第五、六、七届全国生物力学专业委员会委员、中国力学学会流体力学专业委员会委员、第九届全国多相流、非牛顿流专业组组长;北京生物医学工程学会理事,北京市生物医学工程学会生物力学专业委员会副主任;中国生物物理学会生物力学与生物流变学专业委员会委员;《Applied Mathematics and Mechanics》、《WSEAS Transaction on Fluid Mechanics》、《WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics》、《力学学报》、《北京生物医学工程》和《医用生物力学》、《生物医学工程研究》编委。


      长期从事生物力学、非牛顿流体力学的研究工作,在细胞内钙信号传导、钙火花生物力学、血流动力学、心血管疾病的力学分析与数值模拟、定量生理学、分数阶反常扩散、粘弹性流体力学、多孔介质内的热流、微流动等方面取得了一系列研究成果, 相关工作被SCI论文引用2000多次.

2000.1-2002.12,主持教育部高等学校骨干教师资助计划项目: 弯曲血管内脉动流的分叉现象及其对传质影响的理论和实验研究
2001.1-2003.12,主持国家自然科学基金项目(10002003): 复杂血管内流动的分叉现象及其对大分子传质的影响
2002.1-2003.12,主持北京大学生物医学跨学科中心项目: 单通道钙信号转导的实验和理论研究
2002.1-2004.12,主持中国石油天然气集团公司石油科技中青年创新基金开放课题: 粘弹性聚合物溶液微观驱油的数值模拟
2004.1-2006.12,主持国家自然科学基金项目(10372007): 心肌细胞内钙信号传导的动力学研究
2006.1-2008.12,主持国家自然科学基金项目(10572006): 粘弹性流体在多孔介质内对流的演化机制
2006.1-2008.12 主持教育部新世纪优秀人才计划基金项目: 广义Oldroyd-B流体在多孔介质内自然对流的数值模拟
2006.6-2009.6  主持教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助项目: Oldroyd-B流体在多孔介质内自然对流的非线性动力学研究
2007.1-2009.12  联合主持国家自然科学基金海外青年学者合作研究基金项目(40628001):区域盆地地下水年龄的空间分布---数值模拟与应用,(外方主持人:阿拉巴马大学郑春苗教授)
2007.1-2011.12  参加国家自然科学基金重点项目(10632010):动脉系统中的旋转流动现象-它对血小板运动、粘附和物质(LDL)输运的影响及其在临床中的应用。
2007.1-2011.12 参加973课题(2006CB705803):CO2地下埋存的监测和前缘预测技术。
2009.1-2012.12 主持国家杰出青年科学基金项目(10825208):生物流体力学
2013.1-2016.12 主持国家自然科学基金项目(11272014):钙火花终结的亚细胞动力学研究
2013.1-2017.12 参加973课题(2013CB531200):线粒体功能障碍致早期心衰机制及干预策略研究

2014.1-2015.12  联合主持国家自然科学基金海外青年学者合作研究基金项目(11328201):电场介导的细胞分子输运和变形,(外方主持人:Rutgers University 林灏教授)

2018.1-2022.12 主持国家自然科学基金重点项目(11732001):舒张性心衰的生物力学机理研究




日本学术振兴会JSPS基金 (2002年)

教育部新世纪优秀人才计划 (2005年)

国家杰出青年科学基金 (2008年)
教育部“长江学者”特聘教授  (2011年)
北京大学优秀博士论文指导教师  (2012年)

国务院政府特殊津贴 (2014年)





1.      Xudong Chen, Yundi Feng, Yunlong Huo, Wenchang Tan*, Effects of rogue ryanodine receptors on Ca2+ sparks in cardiac myocytes. Royal Society Open Science, 2018, 5(2):171462.


2.      Tingting Fan, Yundi Feng, Feng Feng, Zhongjie Yin, Dayou Luo, Yuan Lu, Yingjin Xu, Wenchang Tan*, Yunlong Huo, A comparison of postoperative morphometric and hemodynamic changes between saphenous vein and left internal mammary artery grafts. Physiological Reports, 2017, 5(21):e13487.


3.      Yuan Lu, Hao Wu, Jiahang Li, Yanjun Gong, Jiahui Ma, Ghassan S. Kassab,  Yong Huo, Wenchang Tan*, Yunlong Huo, Passive and active triaxial wall mechanics in a two-layer model of porcine coronary artery. Sci Rep, 2017, 7(1).


4.      Haotian Wu, Li Li, Pei Niu, Xu Huang, Jiny Liu, Fengshun Zhang, Wenzeng Shen, Wenchang Tan*, Yiling Wu, Yunlong Huo, The Structure-function remodeling in rabbit hearts of myocardial infarction. Physiological Reports, 2017, 5(12):e13311.


5.      Suihan Cui, Zhongzhen Wu, Shu Xiao, Liangliang Liu, Bocong Zheng, Hai Lin,  Ricky K. Y. Fu, Xiubo Tian, Paul K. Chu, Wenchang Tan*, Feng Pan, Electromagnetic control and optimization of high power impulse magnetron sputtering discharges in cylindrical source. Acta Physica Sinca, 2017, 66(9).


6.      Xudong Chen, Yunlong Huo, Wenchang Tan*, The effects of quarky Ca2+ release on Ca2+ spark in cardiac myocytes. The FASEB Journal, 2017, 31(1 Supplement): 688.1.


7.      Jinghui Li, Wenjun Xie, Xi Chen, Yunlong Huo, Heping Cheng, Wenchang Tan*, A novel stochastic reaction-diffusion model of Ca2+ blink in cardiac myocytes. Science Bulletin, 2017, 1: 004.


8.      Hao Wu, Ghassan S. Kassab, Wenchang Tan*, Yunlong Huo, Flow velocity is relatively uniform in the coronary sinusal venous tree: structure-function relation, Journal of Applied Physiology, 2016, 122(1): 60-67.

9.      Jianchang Wu, Chang Liu, Xiang Deng, Luozheng Zhang, Manman Hu, Jun Tang, Wenchang Tan*, Yanqing Tian, Baomin Xu, Simple and low-cost thiophene and benzene-conjugated triaryamines as hole-transporting materials for perovskite solar cells . RSC Advances, 2017, 7(72): 45478-45483.

10.   Yanjun Gong, Yundi Feng, Xudong Chen, Wenchang Tan*, Yunlong Huo,  Ghassan S. Kassab, Intraspecific scaling laws are preserved in ventricular hypertrophy but not in heart failure. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 2016, 311(5): H1108-H1117.

11.  Xi Chen, Yang Gao, Bin Lu, Xinwei Jia, Liang Zhong, Ghassan S. Kassab, Wenchang Tan*, Yunlong Huo, Hemodynamics in coronary arterial tree of serial stenoses. PloS one, 2016, 11(9): e0163715.

12.  Xiaoping Yin, Xu Huang, Yundi Feng, Wenchang Tan*, Huaijun Liu, Yunlong Huo, Interplay of proximal flow confluence and distal flow divergence in patient-specific vertebrobasilar system. PloS one, 2016, 11(7): e0159836.    

13.  Tingting Fan, Yuan Lu, Yan Gao, Jie Meng, Wenchang Tan*, Yunlong Huo,  Ghassan S. Kassab, Hemodynamics of left internal mammary artery bypass graft: Effect of anastomotic geometry, coronary artery stenosis, and postoperative time. Journal of biomechanics, 2016, 49(5): 645-652.

14.  Xu Huang, Xiaoping Yin, Yingjin Xu, Xinwei Jia, Jianhui Li, Pei Niu, Wenzeng Shen, Ghassan S. Kassab, Wenchang Tan*, Yunlong Huo, Morphometric and hemodynamic analysis of atherosclerotic progression in human carotid artery bifurcations. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 2016, 310(5): H639-H647.

15.  Xi Chen, Yang Gao, Bin Lu, Xinwei Jia, Liang Zhong, Ghassan S. Kassab, Wenchang Tan*, Yunlong Huo, Hemodynamics in coronary arterial tree of serial stenoses. PloS one, 2016, 11(9): e0163715.


16.  Xi Chen, Pei Niu, Xiaolong Niu, Wenzeng Shen, Fei Duan, Liang Ding, Xiliang Wei, Yanjun Gong, Yong Huo, Ghassan S. Kassab, Wenchang Tan*, Yunlong Huo, Growth, ageing and scaling laws of coronary arterial trees. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 2015, 12(113): 20150830.

17.  Jun Niu, Zaihong Shi, Wenchang Tan*, Thermal instability and heat transfer of viscoelastic fluids in bounded porous media with constant heat flux boundary. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 2015, 27(5): 809-812.


18.  Weijie Wang, Yi Zhao, Wenchang Tan*, Ceji Fu, Thermal radiative properties of a two-dimensional silicon carbide grating mediated with a photonic crystal. Journal of Heat Transfer, 2015, 137(9): 091022.


19.  Jun Niu, Zaihong Shi, Wenchang Tan*, Numerical simulation of thermal convection of viscoelastic fluids in an open-top porous medium with constant heat flux. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 2015, 27(1): 52-61.


20.  Jianhong Kang, Fubao Zhou, Wenchang Tan*, Tongqiang Xia, Thermal instability of a nonhomogeneous power-law nanofluid in a porous layer with horizontal throughflow. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 2014, 213: 50-56.


21.  Xi Chen, Liang Guo, Jianhong Kang, Yunlong Huo, Shiqiang Wang, Wenchang Tan*, Calcium waves initiating from the anomalous subdiffusive calcium sparks. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 2014, 11(91): 20130934.


22.  Weijie Wang, Ceji Fu, Wenchang Tan*, Thermal radiative properties of a photonic crystal structure sandwiched by SiC gratings. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2014, 132: 36-42.


23.  Hongmei Peng, Haitao Qi, Jianhong Kang, Wenchang Tan*, Boundary element analysis for the hemodynamic characteristics of the aortic dissection//Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI), 2014 7th International Conference on. IEEE, 2014: 415-419.


24.  Weijie Wang, Ceji Fu, Wenchang Tan*, Thermal radiative properties of a 2-D silicon carbide grating mediated with a photonic crystal//ASME 2013 4th International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013: V001T05A004-V001T05A004.

25.  Jianhong Kang, Xi Chen, Ceji Fu, Wenchang Tan*, Centrifugally driven thermal convection in a rotating porous cylindrical annulus. Physics of Fluids, 2013, 25(4): 044104


26.  Xi Chen, Jianhong Kang, Ceji Fu, Wenchang Tan*, Modeling Calcium Wave Based on Anomalous Subdiffusion of Calcium Sparks in Cardiac Myocytes.  PLoS ONE, 2013,8(3):e57093


27.  Jia Zhang, Zahn Jeffrey D, Wenchang Tan, Hao Lin, A transient solution for vesicle electrodeformation and relaxation. Physics of Fluids, 2013,25(7):071903


28.  Jianhong Kang, Jun Niu, Ceji Fu, Wenchang Tan*, Coriolis effect on thermal convective instability of viscoelastic fluids in a rotating porous cylindrical annulus. Transport in Porous Media, 2013, 98(2): 349-362


29.  Chen Yin, Jun Niu, Ceji Fu, Wenchang Tan*, Stability of Thermal Convection in a Fluid-Porous System Saturated with an Oldroyd-B Fluid Heated from Below. Transport in Porous Media, 2013, 99(2): 327-347


30.  Chen X, Guo L, Kang J, Huo Y, Wang S, Wenchang Tan*. Calcium waves initiating from the anomalous subdiffusive calcium sparks. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2014, 11: 20130934


31.  Chen Yin, Jun Niu, Ceji Fu, Wenchang Tan*, Thermal convection of a viscoelastic fluid in a fluid-porous system subjected to a horizontal plane Couette flow. International  Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow,2013,44:711-718


32.  Huo Y, Luo T, Guccione JM, Teague SD, Tan W, et al. (2013) Mild Anastomotic Stenosis in Patient-Specific CABG Model May Enhance Graft Patency: A New Hypothesis. PLoS ONE 8(9): e73769


33.  Wang Weijie; Fu Ceji; Tan Wenchang, Thermal Radiative Properties of a SiC Grating on a Photonic Crystal. Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of The ASME,  2013.135(9),091504 


34.  Niu Jun,Shi Zaihong, Tan Wenchang, The viscoelastic effects on thermal convection of an Oldroyd-B fluid in open-top porous media. Journal of Hydrodynamics. 2013, 25(4):239-642


35.  Wang Weijie; Fu Ceji; Tan Wenchang, Thermal radiative properties of a photonic crystal structure sandwiched by SiC gratings. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 2014,132:36-42


36.  Jun Niu, Ceji Fu, Wenchang Tan*, Slip-Flow and Heat Transfer of a Non-Newtonian Nanofluid in a Microtube, PLoS ONE, 2012,7(5):e37274.


37.  Kaitao Li, Wanrui Zhang, Huaqiang Fang, Wenjun Xie, Jie Liu, Ming Zheng, Xianhua Wang, Wang Wang, Wenchang Tan*, Heping Cheng, Superoxide Flashes Reveal Novel Properties of Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species Excitability in Cardiomyocytes, Biophysical Journal, 2012,102: 1011-1021.


38.  Jinxing Hong, Ceji Fu, Hao Lin*, Wenchang Tan*, Non-Newtonian effects on low-density lipoprotein transport in the arterial wall, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics,2012, 189-190: 1–7


39.  Miao Yu, Wenchang Tan, Hao Lin, A stochastic model for DNA translocation through an electropore. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 2012, 1818: 2494–2501


40.  Yin Chen; Fu Ceji; Tan Wenchang*,Onset of Thermal Convection in a Maxwell Fluid-Saturated Porous Medium: The Effects of Hydrodynamic Boundary and Constant Flux Heating Conditions,Transport in Porous Media, 2012, 91: 777-790


41.  Li Kaitao, Fu Chaoqi, Cheng Heping, Tan Wenchang*, Anomalous Subdiffusion of Calcium Spark in Cardiac Myocytes, Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, 2011,4:457-465


42.  Jianhong Kang, Ceji Fu, WenchangTan*, Thermal convective instability of viscoelastic fluids in a rotating porous layer heated from below. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 2011, 166:93-101


43.  Xi Chen, Shaowei Wang, Jianjun Tao, Wenchang Tan*, Stability analysis of thermosolutal convection in a horizontal porous layer using a thermal non-equilibrium model. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 2011, 32:78-87.


44.  Shaowei Wang, Wenchang Tan*, Stability analysis of soret-driven double-diffusive convection of Maxwell fluid in a porous medium. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 2011, 32,88-94


45.  Jun Niu, Ceji Fu, Wenchang Tan*, Thermal convection of a viscoelastic fluid in an open-top porous layer heated from below, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 2010, 165: 203–211


46.  Jun Niu, Ceji Fu, Wenchang Tan*, Stability of thermal convection of an Oldroyd-B fluid in a porous medium with Newtonian heating. Physics Letters A, 2010,374: 4607–4613.


47.  Jianjun Tao, Wenchang Tan, Relaxation Oscillation of Thermal Convection in Rotating Cylindrical Annulus, Chinese Physics Letters, 2010, 27(3): 034706  


48.  Malashetty M.S, Wenchang Tan, Mahantesh Swamy, The onset of double diffusive convection in a binary viscoelastic fluid saturated anisotropic porous layer. Physics of Fluids, 2009, 21, 084101


49.  Zhang Zhiyong, Fu Ceji, Wenchang Tan*, Linear and nonlinear stability analyses of thermal convection for Oldroyd-B fluids in porous media heated from below. Physics of Fluids, 2008, 20, 084103


50.  Fu Ceji, Zhang Zhiyong, Wenchang Tan*, Numerical simulation of thermal convection of a viscoelastic fluid in a porous square box heated from below.  Physics of Fluids, 2007, 19, 104107 


51.  Zhang Zhiyong, Fu Ceji, Wenchang Tan*, Wang Cangyi, Onset of oscillatory convection in a porous cylinder saturated with a viscoelastic fluid, Physics of Fluids, 2007, 19, 098104


52.  Wenchang Tan*,Takashi Masuoka, Stokes’ first problem for an Oldroyd-B fluid in a porous half-space. Physics of Fluids, 2005, 17,023101 


53.  Fu Ceji, Wenchang Tan*, Near-field radiative heat transfer between two plane surfaces with one having a dielectric coating. J. Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 2009, 110,1027 


54.  Liu, Yu, Hong Jinxing, Zhang Yan, Cui Rongli, Wang Jinyong, Wenchang Tan*, Li Yan#, Flexible orientation control of ultralong single-walled carbon nanotubes by gas flow. Nanotechnology, 2009, 20, 185601


55.  Fu Ceji, Wenchang Tan*, Semiconductor Thin Films Combined With Metallic Grating for Selective Improvement of Thermal Radiative Absorption/Emission, J. Heat Transfer-Transactions of the ASME, 2009,131 , 033105  


56.  Wang Shaowei, Wenchang Tan*, The onset of Darcy-Brinkman thermosolutal convection in a horizontal porous media, Physics Letters A,2009, 373: 776-780 


57.  Hong Jinxing, Wei Lan, Fu Ceji, Wenchang Tan*, Blood flow and macromolecular transport in complex blood vessels. J. Clin. Biomechanics, 2008, 23, S125-129


58.  Wang Shaowei, Wenchang Tan*, Stability analysis of double-diffusive convection of Maxwell fluid in a porous medium heated from below. Physics Letters A, 2008, 372, 3046-3050  


59.  Xue Changfeng, Nie Junxiang, Wenchang Tan*, An exact solution of start-up flow for the fractional generalized Burgers’ fluid in a porous half-space. Nonlinear Analysis A, 2008, 69, 2086-2094


60.  Xue Changfeng, Wenchang Tan*, The solutions of covariant derivative equations of cross section in associated bundles. Nonlinear Analysis A, 2008, 68, 3419-3427


61.  Deng Jianxin, Wang Gang, Huang Qiaobing, Yan Yuan, Li Kaitao, Wenchang Tan*, Jin Chunhua, Wang Yanru, Liu Jie, Oxidative Stress Induced Leaky Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Underlying Acute Heart Failure in Severe Burn Trauma.   Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2008, 44, 375-385  


62.  Jin Zhong, Chu Haibin, Wang Jinyong, Hong Jinxing, Wenchang Tan*, Li Yan, Ultralow feeding gas flow guiding growth of large-scale horizontally aligned single-walled carbon nanotube arrays. Nano Letters, 2007, 7:2073-2079   


63.  Wenchang Tan*, Fu Chaoqi, Fu Ceji, Xie Wenjun, Cheng Heping, An anomalous subdiffusion model for calcium spark in cardiac myocytes. Applied Physics Letters, 2007, 91, 183901  


64.  Wenchang Tan*,Takashi Masuoka, Stability Analysis of a Maxwell fluid in a porous medium heated from below. Physics Letter A. 2007,360 (3):454-460


65.  Shen Fang, Wenchang Tan*,, Zhao Yaohua, Masuoka Takashi, The  Rayleigh  Stokes problem for a heated generalized second grade fluid with fractional derivative model, Nonlinear Analysis B:Real World Applications, 2006, 7, 1072


66.  Wenchang Tan*, Velocity overshoot of start-up flow for a Maxwell fluid in a porous half-space. Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (11): 2644-2650 


67.  Wei Lan, Wen Gongbi, Wenchang Tan*, Blood flow and macromolecular transport in curved blood vessels. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2006, 27 (9): 1223-1231


68.  Xu Mingyu,Wenchang Tan*,  Intermediate processes and critical phenomena: Theory, method and progress of fractional operators and their applications to modern mechanics, Science in China (Series G), 2006,49: 257. 


69.  Wenchang Tan*, Takashi Masuoka, Stokes’ first problem for a second grade fluid in porous half-space with a heated plate. International J. Non-Linear Mech. 2005, 40, 515


70.  Wenchang Tan*,Mingyu Xu, Unsteady flows of a generalized second grade fluid with the fractional derivative model between two parallel plates. ACTA Mechanica Sinica, 2004, 20 (5):471-476  


71.  Fang Shen, Wenchang Tan*, Yaohua Zhao, Takashi Masuoka, Decay of vortex and diffusion of temperature in a generalized second grade fluid. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2004, 25 (10): 1151-1159  


72.  Xie LD, Yang HJ, Zhang WG, Sun DG, Wen ZY, Wenchang Tan*,Study of the microrheological characteristics of reticulocytes with Co-60 radiation. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2004, 31 (7): 666-670 


73.  Wenchang Tan*, Liu Shiqiang, Guo Jingjing,Wang Shiqiang, Cheng Heping & Masuoka T., New dynamic model for non-Fickian diffusion of calcium spark in cardiac myocytes. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2003, 48(23): 2564-2567   


74.  Wenchang Tan*,Wei lan, Zhao yaohua, Masuoka T, Bifurcation of flow and mass transport in a curved blood vessel. ACTA Mechanica Sinica, 2003, 19 (4): 315-319


75.  Xu Mingyu, Wenchang Tan*, Representation of the constitutive equation of viscoelastic materials by the generalized fractional element networks and its generalized solutions. Science in China (Series G), 2003, 46(2):145-157 


76.  Wenchang Tan*, Pan Wenxiao, Xu Mingyu, A note on unsteady flows of a viscoelastic fluid with the fractional Maxwell model between two parallel plates. International J. Non-Linear Mech. 2003, 38 (5):645-650   


77.  Wenchang Tan*, Xu Mingyu, The impulsive motion of flat plate in a general second grade fluid. Mechanics Research Communication, 2002, 29(1):3-9 


78.  Wenchang Tan*, Xian Feng, Wei lan, An exact solution of unsteady Couette flow of generalized second grade fluid. Chinese Science bulletin, 2002, 47(21):1783-1785 


79.  Wenchang Tan*, Xu Mingyu, Plane surface suddenly set in motion in a viscoelasticfluid with fractional Maxwell model. ACTA Mechanica Sinica, 2002, 18(4):342-349  


80.  Xu Mingyu, Wenchang Tan*, Theoretical analysis of the velocity field, stress field and vortex sheet of a generalized second order fluid with fractional anomalous diffusion. Science in China (Series A), 2001, 44(11):1387~1399. 


81.  Wenchang Tan*, Wu Wangyi, Yan Zongyi, Wen Gongbi, Moving Boundary Problem for Diffusion Release of Drug from a Cylinder Polymeric Matrix. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2001, 22 (4): 331-337  


82.  Xu Mingyu, Wenchang Tan*, The problem of fluid-dynamics in semicircular canal. Science in China (Series A), 2000, 43 (5):517-526 


83.  Wu Wangyi, Wenchang Tan*, Li Juan, Xie Wenjun, Theoretical study on the bifurcation of vortexes structure for flow in curved tube. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2000, 21 (12): 1345-1358 


84.  Wenchang Tan*, Wu Wangyi, Yan Zongyi, Wen Gongbi,  Effect of the distributary of nasal eatuses on olfaction. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1999 , 20 (12):1342-1349  

