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1. 界面力学
2. 流固耦合力学
中国力学学会常务理事,中国力学学会女科技工作者专业委员会主任委员,中国复合材料学会常务理事,美国机械工程师学会会士(ASME Fellow)。固体力学学报副主编,多个SCI期刊的编委;2005年在北京大学力学与工程科学系获理学博士学位,在界面力学、流固耦合力学等方面取得了重要科研成果。在Nature Communications,Science Advances, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Physical Review Letters, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Journal of Fluid Mechanics等国际主流期刊发表论文230余篇,包括在国际力学领域两个权威综述期刊AAM和AMR上发表长篇论文,入选爱思唯尔2019-2022年中国高被引学者;授权国家发明专利26项。主持国家自然科学基金重大项目“水下流固耦合滑移边界力学理论及应用”、重点项目和重大研发计划项目等。
第十届“徐芝纶力学奖” (2023)
The ICCES Distinguished Fellow(2023)
入选美国机械工程师学会会士(ASME Fellow)(2020)
美国机械工程师协会The Lloyd Hamilton Donnell Applied Mechanics Reviews Paper Award(2016)
教育部“长江学者”特聘教授 (2014)
第十一届中国青年女科学家奖 (2014)
第十二届中国力学学会青年科技奖 (2011)
美国机械工程师学会(ASME) The Sia Nemat-Nasser Early Career 奖(2009)
全国百篇优秀博士论文 (2007)
德国洪堡学者基金 (2006)
迄今已在国内外学术杂志发表论文230余篇,Web of Science H-指数42。
Ji Songsong, Li Hongyuan, Du Zengzhi, Lv Pengyu, Duan Huiling*; Influence of interfacial coupled flow on slip boundary over a microstructured surface; Physical Review Fluids; 2023, 8(5): 054003.
Zhao Feng, Liu Wenbin, Sui Haonan, Fu Jiaqi, Cheng Yangyang, Zhang Jingyu, Duan Huiling*; Model for deformation-induced martensitic transformation in irradiated materials; Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Science; 2023, 479(2272): 20220633.
Xu Baorui, Li Hongyuan, Liu Xiaochao, Xiang Yaolei, Lv Pengyu, Tan Xiangkui, Zhao Yaomin, Sun Chao, Duan Huiling*; Effect of micro-grooves on drag reduction in Taylor-Couette flow; Physics of Fluids; 2023, 35(4): 043608.
Liu Wenbin, Cheng Yangyang, Sui Haonan, Fu Jiaqi, Duan Huiling*; Microstructure-based intergranular fatigue crack nucleation model: Dislocation transmission versus grain boundary cracking; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids; 2023, 173: 105233.
Zhang Jingyu, Ding Shurong, Duan Huiling*; Modeling of irradiation growth of Zr single crystals with diffusion anisotropy; Journal of Nuclear Materials; 2023, 577: 154295.
Chen Guoqing, Li Hongyuan, Lv Pengyu, Duan Huiling*; An improved multiphase lattice Boltzmann flux solver with phase interface compression for incompressible multiphase flows; Physics of Fluids; 2023, 35(1): 013310.
Cao Yufan, Wang Xiangyu, Yuan Huijing, Duan Huiling, Sun Zhili, Li Hongyuan*, Lv Pengyu*; Correlation-based algorithms for accurate PIV measurement near the slip boundary; Measurement Science and Technology; 2023, 34(1): 015302.
Du Zengzhi, Li Hongyuan, Cao Yufan, Wan Xia, Xiang Yaolei, Lv Pengyu, Huiling Duan*; Control of flow separation using biomimetic shark scales with fixed tilt angles; Experiments in Fluids; 2022, 63(10): 158.
Sui Haonan, Yu Long, Liu Wenbin, Liu Ying, Duan Huiling*; Model of void nucleation on grain boundaries in dynamic failure of ductile metals incorporating interface incompatibility; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids; 2022, 168: 105032.
Li Qi, Liu Weixuan, Yang Canhui, Rao Ping, Lv Pengyu, Duan Huiling, Hong Wei*; Kirigami-inspired adhesion with high directional asymmetry; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids; 2022, 169: 105053.
Li Xiying, Wang Shuang, Lu Lu, Lv Pengyu, Duan Huiling*; A micromechanical model for phase-change composites; Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; 2022, 478(2261): 20220054.
Duan Huiling*, Wang Jianxiang, Huang Zhuping; Micromechanics of composites with interface effects; Acta Mechanica Sinica; 2022, 38(4): 1-20.
Lu Lu, Dang Xiangxin, Feng Fan, Lv Pengyu, Duan Huiling*; Conical kresling origami and its applications to curvature and energy programming; Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; 2022, 478(2257), 20210712.
Liu Wenbin, Chen Lirong, Yu Long, Fu Jiaqi, Duan Huiling*; Continuum modeling of dislocation channels in irradiated metals based on stochastic crystal plasticity; International Journal of Plasticity; 2022, 151: 103211.
Li Hongyuan, Cao Yufan, Wang Xiangyu, Wan Xia, Xiang Yaolei, Yuan Huijing, Lv Pengyu, Duan Huiling*; Accurate PIV measurement on slip boundary using single-pixel algorithm; Measurement Science and Technology; 2022, 33(5): 055302.
Liu Wenbin, Yu Long, Liu Ying, Sui Haonan, Fan Haidong, Duan Huiling*; Dislocation pile-up polarization model for mechanical properties of polycrystalline metals based on grain boundary resistance variability; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids; 2022, 160: 104793.
Dang Xiangxin, Feng Fan, Duan Huiling, Wang Jianxiang*; A theorem on the compatibility of spherical kirigami tessellations; Physical Review Letters; 2021, 128(3): 035501.
Zhang Yuan, Tan Xiangkui, Li Xiying, Lv Pengyu, Huang Tianyun, Yang Jianying, Duan Huiling*; 3D propulsions of rod‐shaped micropropellers; Advanced Intelligent Systems; 2021, 3(11): 2100083.
Ji Suchun, Li Xiying, Chen Qianying, Lv Pengyu, Duan Huiling*; Enhanced locomotion of shape morphing microrobots by surface coating; Advanced Intelligent Systems; 2021, 3(7): 2000270.
Dang Xiangxin, Feng Fan, Duan Huiling, Wang Jianxiang*; Theorem for the design of deployable kirigami tessellations with different topologies; Physical Review E; 2021, 104(5): 055006.
Chen Qianying, Huang Tianyun, Lv Pengyu, Huang Jianyong, Duan Huiling*; Programmable self-locking micromachines with tunable couplings; Advanced Intelligent Systems; 2021, 3(10): 2000232.
Wang Gang, Li Xiying, Tan Xiangkui, Ji Songsong, Huang Jianyong, Duan Huiling, Lv Pengyu*; Motion enhancement of spherical surface walkers with microstructures; Advanced Intelligent Systems; 2021, 3(6): 2000226.
Liu Wenbin, Liu Ying, Sui Haonan, Chen Lirong, Yu Long, Yi Xin, Duan Huiling*; Dislocation-grain boundary interaction in metallic materials: Competition between dislocation transmission and dislocation source activation; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids; 2020, 145: 104158.
Liu Hao, Zhou Hao, Kang Wei*, Zhang Ping, Duan Huiling, Zhang Weiyan, He Xiantu; Dynamics of bond breaking and formation in polyethylene near shock front; Physical Review E; 2020, 102(2): 023207.
Li Hongyuan, Li Zexiang, Tan Xiangkui, Wang Xiangyu, Huang Shenglin, Xiang Yaolei, Lv Pengyu*, Duan Huiling*; Three-dimensional backflow at liquid-gas interface induced by surfactant; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; 2020, 899(25): A8.
Liu Wenbin, Liu Ying, Cheng Yangyang, Chen Lirong, Yi Xin, Duan Huiling*; Unified model for size-dependent to size-independent transition in yield strength of crystalline metallic materials; Physical Review Letters; 2020, 124(23): 235501.
Huang Tianyun, Huang Hengwei, Jin DongDong, Chen Qianying, Huang Jianyong, Zhang Li, Duan Huiling*; Four-dimensional micro-building blocks; Science Advances; 2020, 6(3): eaav8219.
Xiang Yaolei, Huang Shenglin, Huang Tianyun, Dong Ao, Cao Di, Li Hongyuan, Xue Yahui, Lv Pengyu, Duan Huiling*; Superrepellency of underwater hierarchical structures on Salvinia leaf; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; 2020, 117(5): 2282-2287.
Chen Lirong, Liu Wenbin, Yu Long, Cheng Yangyang, Ren Ke, Sui Haonan, Yi Xin*, Duan Huiling*; Probabilistic and constitutive models for ductile-to-brittle transition in steels: A competition between cleavage and ductile fracture; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids; 2020, 135: 103809.
Chen Qianying, Lv Pengyu, Huang Tianyun, Huang Jianyong*, Duan Huiling*; Encoding smart micro-joints for micro-crawlers with enhanced locomotion; Advanced Intelligent Systems; 2020, 2(3): 1900128.
Jin DongDong#, Chen Qianying#, Huang Tianyun*, Huang Jianyong, Zhang Li, Duan Huiling; Four-dimensional direct laser writing of reconfigurable compound micromachines; Materials Today; 2020, 32: 19-25.
Li Hongyuan, Ji SongSong, Tan Xiangkui, Li Zexiang, Xiang Yaolei, Lv Pengyu*, Duan Huiling*; Effect of reynolds number on drag reduction in turbulent boundary layer flow over liquid-gas interface; Physics of Fluids; 2020, 32(12): 122111.
Li Zexiang, Ji Songsong, Duan Huiling, Lan Shilong, Zhang Jinbai, Lv Pengyu*; Coupling effect of wall slip and spanwise oscillation on drag reduction in turbulent channel flow; Physical Review Fluids; 2020, 5(12): 124601.
Liu Huan, Zhang Quan, Zhang Kai*, Hu Gengkai, Duan Huiling*; Designing 3D digital metamaterial for elastic waves: from elastic wave polarizer to vibration control; Advanced Science; 2019, 6(16): 1900401.
Liu Wenbin, Chen Lirong, Cheng Yangyang, Yu Long, Yi Xin, Gao Huajian, Duan Huiling*; Model of nanoindentation size effect incorporating the role of elastic deformation; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids; 2019, 126: 245-255.
Li Xiying, Zhang Jiaming*, Yi Xin*, Huang Zhongyi, Lv Pengyu, Duan Huiling; Multimaterial microfluidic 3D printing of textured composites with liquid inclusions; Advanced Science; 2019, 6(3): 1800730.
Cheng Yangyang, Yu Long, Chen Lirong, Liu Wenbin, Yi Xin*, Duan Huiling*; Failure of fracture toughness criterion at small scales; Physical Review Materials; 2019, 3(11): 113602.
Chen Lirong, Xiao Xiazi, Yu Long, Chu Haijian, Duan Huiling*; Texture evolution and mechanical behaviour of irradiated face-centred cubic metals; Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; 2018, 474(2210): 20170604.
Guo Xiao, Liu Huan, Zhang Kai, Duan Huiling*; Dispersion relations of elastic waves in two-dimensional tessellated piezoelectric phononic crystals; Applied Mathematical Modelling; 2018, 56: 65-82.
Lv Pengyu, Xiang Yaolei, Xue Yahui, Lin Hao, Duan Huiling*; Morphological bubble evolution induced by air diffusion on submerged hydrophobic structures; Physics of Fluids; 2017, 29(3): 032001.
Liu Hao, Zhang Yin, Kang Wei*, Zhang Ping, Duan Huiling, He Xiantu*; Molecular dynamics simulation of strong shock waves propagating in dense deuterium, taking into consideration effects of excited electrons; Physical Review E; 2017, 95(2): 023201.
Xiang Yaolei, Huang Shenglin, Lv Pengyu, Xue Yahui, Su Qiang, Duan Huiling*; Ultimate stable underwater superhydrophobic state; Physical Review Letters; 2017, 119(13): 134501.
Xue Yahui, Lv Pengyu, Lin Hao, Duan Huiling*; Underwater superhydrophobicity: stability, design and regulation, and applications; Applied Mechanics Reviews; 2016, 68(3): 030803.
Xiang Yaolei, Xue Yahui, Lv Pengyu, Li Dandan, Duan Huiling*; Influence of fluid flow on the stability and wetting transition of submerged superhydrophobic surfaces; Soft Matter; 2016, 12(18): 4241-4246.
Xiao Xiazi, Song Dingkun, Xue Jianming, Chu Haijian*, Duan Huiling*; A self-consistent plasticity theory for modeling the thermo-mechanical properties of irradiated FCC metallic polycrystals; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids; 2015, 78: 1-16.
Terentyev Dmitry*, Xiao Xiazi, Dubinko Andrii., Alexander Bakaev, Duan Huiling*; Dislocation-mediated strain hardening in tungsten: Thermo-mechanical plasticity theory and experimental validation; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids; 2015, 85: 1-15.
Xue Yahui, Yang Yanbing, Sun Hui, Li Xiying, Wu Shiting, Cao Anyuan*, Duan Huiling*; A switchable and compressible carbon nanotube sponge electrocapillary imbiber; Advanced Materials; 2015, 27(44): 7241-7246.
Xue Yahui, Lv Pengyu, Liu Ying, Shi Yipeng, Lin Hao*, Duan Huiling*; Morphology of gas cavities on patterned hydrophobic surfaces under reduced pressure; Physics of Fluids; 2015, 27(9): 092003.
Song Dingkun, Xiao Xiazi, Xue Jianming, Chu Haijian, Duan Huiling*; Mechanical properties of irradiated multi-phase polycrystalline BCC materials; Acta Mechanica Sinica; 2015, 31(2): 191-204.
Xiao Xiazi, Song Dingkun, Chu Haijian, Xue Jianming, Duan Huiling*; Mechanical properties for irradiated face-centred cubic nanocrystalline metals; Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; 2015, 471(2177): 20140832.
Lv Pengyu, Xue Yahui, Shi Yipeng, Lin Hao*, Duan Huiling*; Metastable states and wetting transition of submerged superhydrophobic structures; Physical Review Letters; 2014, 112(19): 196101.
Xue Yahui, Markmann Jurgen, Duan Huiling*, Weissmüller Jorg, Huber Patrick*; Switchable imbibition in nanoporous gold; Nature Communications; 2014, 5(1): 4237.
Liu Yingjie, Lv Pengyu, Ma Jun, Bai Ruobing, Duan Huiling*; Stress fields in hollow core-shell spherical electrodes of lithium ion batteries; Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; 2014, 470(2172): 20140299.
Xue Yahui, Yuan Huijing, Su Weidong, Shi Yipeng*, Duan Huiling*; Enhanced load-carrying capacity of hairy surfaces floating on water; Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; 2014, 470(2165): 20130832.
Lanza Mario, Bayerl Albin, Gao Teng, Porti Marc, Nafria Montserrat, Jing Guangyin, Zhang Yanfeng, Liu Zhongfan, Duan Huiling*; Graphene-coated atomic force microscope tips for reliable nanoscale electrical characterization; Advanced Materials; 2013, 25(10): 1440-1444.
Xue Yahui, Chu Shigan, Lv Pengyu, Duan Huiling*; Importance of hierarchical structures in wetting stability on submersed superhydrophobic surfaces; Langmuir; 2012, 28(25): 9440-9450.
Wang Yan, Jörg Weissmüller*, Duan Huiling*; Mechanics of corrugated surfaces; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids; 2010, 58(10): 1552-1566.
Zhang Kai, Duan Huiling, Karihaloo Bhushan Lal*, Wang Jianxiang; Hierarchical, multilayered cell walls reinforced by recycled silk cocoons enhance the structural integrity of honeybee combs; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; 2010, 107(21): 9502-9506.
Duan Huiling*, Xue Yahui, Yi Xin; Vibration of cantilevers with rough surfaces; Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica; 2009, 22(6): 550-554.
Yi Xin, Duan Huiling*; Surface stress induced by interactions of adsorbates and its effect on deformation and frequency of microcantilever sensors; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids; 2009, 57(8): 1254-1266.
Wang Yan, Weissmüller Jorg, Duan Huiling*; Tuning and monitoring of quantum dot growth by an in situ cantilever; Physical Review B; 2009, 79(4): 045401.
Duan Huiling*, Weissmüller Jorg, Wang Yan; Instabilities of core-shell heterostructured cylinders due to diffusions and epitaxy: spheroidization and blossom of nanowires; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids; 2008, 56(5): 1831-1851.
Weissmuller Jorg*, Duan Huiling*; Cantilever bending with rough surfaces; Physical Review Letters; 2008, 101(14): 146102.
Duan Huiling, Wang Jianxiang, Karihaloo Bhushan Lal*; Theory of elasticity at the nanoscale; Advances in Applied Mechanics; 2008, 42: 1-68.
Duan Huiling, Yi Xin, Huang Zhuping, Wang Jianxiang*; A unified scheme for prediction of effective moduli of multiphase composites with interface effects. part I: theoretical framework; Mechanics of Materials; 2007, 39(1): 81-93.
Duan Huiling, Yi Xin, Huang Zhuping, Wang Jianxiang*; A unified scheme for prediction of effective moduli of multiphase composites with interface effects: part II-application and scaling laws; Mechanics of Materials; 2007, 39(1): 94-103.
Duan Huiling, Karihaloo Bhushan Lal*; Thermo-elastic properties of heterogeneous materials with imperfect interfaces: Generalized Levin's formula and Hill's connections; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids; 2007, 55(5): 1036-1052.
Duan Huiling, Karihaloo Bhushan Lal*; Effective thermal conductivities of heterogeneous media containing multiple imperfectly bonded inclusions; Physical Review B; 2007, 75(6): 064206.
Duan Huiling, Karihaloo Bhushan Lal*, Wang Jianxiang, Yi Xin; Compatible composition profiles and critical sizes of alloyed quantum dots; Physical Review B; 2006, 74(19): 195328.
Duan Huiling, Yang Jiao, Yi Xin, Huang Zhuping, Wang Jianxiang*; Solutions of inhomogeneity problems with graded shells and application to core-shell nanoparticles and composites; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids; 2006, 54(7): 1401-1425.
Duan Huiling, Karihaloo Bhushan Lal*, Wang Jianxiang, Yi Xin; Effective conductivities of heterogeneous media containing multiple inclusions with various spatial distributions; Physical Review B; 2006, 73(17): 174203.
Wang Jianxiang, Duan Huiling, Huang Zhuping, Karihaloo Bhushan Lal*; A scaling law for properties of nano-structured materials; Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; 2006, 462(2069): 1355-1363.
Wang Jianxiang*, Duan Huiling, Yi Xin; Bounds on effective conductivities of heterogeneous media with graded constituents; Physical Review B; 2006, 73(10): 104208.
Jing Guangyin, Duan Huiling, Sun X. M., Zhang Z. S., Xu J., Li Y. D., Wang Jianxiang, Yu Dapeng*; Surface effects on elastic properties of silver nanowires: Contact atomic-force microscopy; Physical Review B; 2006, 73(23): 235409.
Duan Huiling, Wang Jianxiang*, Huang Zhuping, Zhong Yiling; Stress fields of a spheroidal inhomogeneity with an interphase in an infinite medium under remote loadings; Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; 2005, 461(2056): 1055-1080.
Duan Huiling, Wang Jianxiang*, Huang Zhuping, Karihaloo Bhushan Lal; Size-dependent effective elastic constants of solids containing nano-inhomogeneities with interface stress; Journal of The Mechanics and Physics of Solids; 2005, 53(7): 1574-1596.
Duan Huiling, Wang Jianxiang, Huang Zhuping, Karihaloo Bhushan Lal*; Eshelby formalism for nano-inhomogeneities; Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; 2005, 461(2062): 3335-3353.
Duan Huiling, Wang Jianxiang*, Huang Zhuping, Luo Zhenyu; Stress concentration tensors of inhomogeneities with interface effects; Mechanics of Materials; 2005, 37(7): 723-736.
Email: hlduan