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Professor Qiang Sun        中文版 Homepage            

IAAM Fellow (2023)

The World's Top 2% Scientist for career-long impact ( since 2020)


1. Education

   Ph.D. in Condensed Matter Physics, Nanjing University, China, 1996

   M.Sc. in Theoretical Physics, Sichuan University, China, 1987

   B.Sc. in Physics, Southwest University, China, 1984

2. Research interest

 Topological quantum materials for energy applications

 Design of new materials with machine learning

 Computational design of battery materials, thermoelectric materials, CO2 conversion materials, hydrogen storage materials, multifunctional 2D materials, and cluster-based materials 

3. Academic activities

Organizer of “Theory and Simulation in Energy and Fuel Production and Utilization”, Division of Energy and Fuel”, 244th ACS meeting, Aug. 19-22, 2012,Philadelphia, USA.

Organizer of “International Symposium on Nanostructures and Their Applications in Renewable Energy”, Oct.24-27, 2013, Beijing.

Co-organizer of “In Silico Materials Chemistry,” MRS Meeting, Nov.27-Dec.2, 2016,Boston, USA.

Co-organizer of “Computational Approaches in Design of Ceramics for Energy Applications”, Aug 30-Sept.4, 2015, Jeju, Korea.

Associate Editor (2009-2015), Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (JRSE), Sponsored by AIP.

Board Member: National Materials and Devices Network:   http://www.chinamaterial.org.cn/page/html/about.php

Board Member: Computational Materials Science Branch of Chinese Materials Research Society: http://www.ccmrs.cn

Editorial Board Member:  Materials Science and Nanotechnology

Editorial Board Member:  Annals of Materials Science & Engineering

Board Member: China Association for Hydrogen Energy

4. Books

P. Jena and Q. Sun (Eds.), Superatoms: Principles, Synthesis, and Applications (Wiley 2022).

Q. Sun, Y.W. Li, and H. M. Shen, Theory and Research Progress of CO2 Conversion (Science Press 2022, Beijing), in Chinese.

P. Jena, A. Kanadalam, and Q. Sun (Eds.), Materials Issues in a Hydrogen Economy (World Scientific Press 2009).

Z. J. Deng, Q. Sun, Q. Wang, J. Li, Y-P. Liang, and Z-Y. Liu, Ultrafine Particles and Their Aggregates (South-West University Press 1998, Chongqing), in Chinese.

Z. J. Deng, Q. Sun, and Q. Wang, Ultrafine Particles and Fractals (South-West University Press 1993, Chongqing), in Chinese.