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生物医学工程系 系主任




1990年12月 美国Ohio State University, Department of Electrical Engineering, 博士学位
1987年6月  美国Ohio State University, Department of Electrical Engineering, 硕士学位
1984年6月 华中科技大学光学工程系 工学学士











任秋实于1984年本科毕业于华中科技大学光学工程系,19859月公派留学美国俄亥俄州立大学电机工程系,先后于1987获硕士学位;1990年获博士学位。1990 - 1994年任美国弗罗里达州迈阿密大学生物医学工程系助理教授。主要研究领域包括分子医学影像、智能化医疗器械与装备、激光与光子生物医学、神经医学工程。经同行提名,正式会员选举通过,任秋实于2013年成为美国医学与生物工程协会会士, 2015年成为国际光学协会(SPIE)会士。 

在分子医学影像研究领域, 任秋实及其研究团队研发出了四模态 多功能分子影像重大装备。 该设备将X-光计算机断层扫描(CT)、正电子发射断层成像(PET)、单光子发射断层成像(SPECT)、及光学荧光成像(Optical Flourecence Imaging ) 四种不同的成像手段有效地集成在一个成像平台上, 可对模式小动物进行实时多模态分子成像,为新药研制和生物医学研究提供了一个重要的活体检测及影像手段,获得了国内外同行的广泛关注。

在激光与光子生物医学研究领域,主要学术贡献在于系统、深入地研究了激光与生物组织相互作用的基理及应用,阐明了利用激光技术作为物理手段对皮肤胶原组织重组修复、再生的调控机制;研究了角膜组织对各种不同激光波长的生物组织学反应,根据193nm213nm2100nm2940nm 等波长的激光与角膜组织作用的特点,运用组织病理学的方法进行分析,提出了激光个性化视力矫正的最新技术,为激光屈光手术的临床应用奠定了基础。多项研究成果已被数家国际公司采纳并应用到全固体激光视力矫正系统,获得美国FDA的认证,投入临床应用。








US Patent No: 5423800: Laser Sclera Buckling for Retinal Detachment Surgery: Method and Device. Issue Date: June 13, 1995.
共聚焦内窥镜微小镜显微镜探头. 专利号:ZL200510029661.8
成像光纤束与扫描光学系统耦合的光学系统.  专利号:ZL 200510029660.3
用于视觉假体的眼内摄像头.  专利号:200610027984.8
超极化惰性气体核磁共振系统性能测试装置. 专利号:200510110654.0



Dang Yong-Yan, Ren Qiu-Shi, Liu Hua-Xu, Ma Jing-Bo, Zhang Jin-Sheng. Comparison of histologic, biochemical, and mechanical properties of murine skin treated with the 1064-nm and 1320-nm Nd:YAG lasers. Experimental Dermatology. 14(12):876-882, 2005. (SCI=2.095)
Dang, Yongyan, Ren, Qiushi, Hoecker, Sabine, Liu, Huaxu, Ma, Jingbo & Zhang, Jinsheng,Biophysical, histological and biochemical changes after non-ablative treatments with the 595 and 1320 nm lasers: a comparative study. Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine, 21(4):204-209, 2005.(SCI=1.312)
Ren QiuShi, Yang Kun, Li WanRong, Study on new type of contact sapphire laser scalpel, Journal of Endourology, 19(Suppl. 1):A163, 2005.
Cheng Wang, Qiushi Ren. Influence of stress on the transmission characteristics of multilayer hin films. APPLIED OPTICS, 45(30):7858-7862, 2006.
Lin Yang, Ruimin Xing, Qingming Shen, Kai Jiang, Feng Ye, Jinye Wang, and Qiushi Ren.  Fabrication of Protein-Conjugated Silver Sulfide Nanorods in the Bovine Serum Albumin Solution. Journal of Physical Chemistry (B), 110 (21):10534-10539, 2006. (SCI=4.033)
Hua-Jie Wang, Xin-Ming Liu, Li-Wen Ji, Dong-Lan Ma, Qiushi Ren, Jin-Ye Wang. Film from peroxidation of an amino phospholipid and its biocompatibility. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B - Applied Biomaterials, 79B(2):411-419, 2006. (SCI/IF=2.105)
Yinzhen Wang, Shunquan Wang , Shengming Zhou, Jun Xu, Jiandong Ye, Shulin Gu, Rong Zhang, Qiushi Ren. Effects of sapphire substrate annealing on ZnO epitaxial films grown by MOCVD. Applied Surface Science, 253(4):1745–1747, 2006.
Dang Yongyan, Ren Qiushi, Liu Huaxu, Ma Jingbo, Zhang Jinsheng. Effects of the 1,320-nm Nd: YAG laser on transepidermal water loss, histological changes, and collagen remodeling in skin. Lasers in Medical Science, 21(3):147-152(6), 2006.
Hong Guo, Nina Korablinova, Qiushi Ren, Josef Bille. Wavefront reconstruction with artificial neural networks. Optics Express, 14 (14): 6456-6462, 2006.
Yongjun Dong, Jun Xu, Guangjun Zhao, Chenfeng Yan, Guoqing Zhou, Liangbi Su, Luyun Yang, Jianrong Qiu, Lihuang Lin, Xiaoyan Liang, Ruxin Li, Zhizhan Xu, Qiushi Ren. Simultaneous three-photon excited violet upconversion luminescence of Ce3+:Lu2Si2O7 single crystals by femtosecond laser irradiation. Optics Letters, 31(14):2175-2177, 2006. (SCI/IF= 3.195)
Dang Yongyan, Ren Qiushi, Li Wanrong, Yang Qing & Zhang Jinsheng. Comparison of biophysical properties of skin measured by using non-invasive techniques in the KM mice following 595 nm pulsed dye, 1064 nm Q-Switched Nd:YAG and 1320 nm Nd:YAG laser non-ablative rejuvenation. Skin Research and Technology, 12 (2):119-125, 2006. (SCI/IF =1.280)
Yan Cui, Xun Xu, Hongsheng Bi, Qi Zhu, Jianfeng Wu, Xin Xia, Qiushi Ren, Ho Patrick C.P. Expression modification of uncoupling proteins and MnSOD in retinal endothelial cells and pericytes induced by high glucose:The role of reactive oxygen species in diabetic retinopathy. Experimental Eye Research. 83: 807-816, 2006.
X. Y. Chai, W. Yu, J. Wang, Y. Zhao, C. S. Cai, Q. S. Ren. Recognition of pixelized chinese characters using simulated prosthetic vision. Artificial Organs, 2007, 31(3):175-182. (SCI/IF = 1.835)
Xinyu Chai, Fei Chu, Huimin Wang, Qiushi Ren. Application of Cone-shaped Kernel Distribution in the Time-Frequency Analysis of Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 93(6):1027-1035, 2007. (SCI/IF=0.707) (EI Accession number: 075210994186)
Chuanqing Zhou and Xinyu Chai, Li Yuan and Yanling He, Qiushi Ren. Corneal High-Order Aberration after Aberration-free Aspheric Ablation and Conventional Ablation for Myopic Correction. Current Eye Research, 32(5):431-438, 2007. (SCI/IF=1.443)
Chuanqing Zhou, Min Jin, xiao yuan Wang, Qiushi Ren. Corneal Wavefront-guided Ablation With the schwind ESIRSIS laser for myopia. Journal of Refractive Surgery, J REFRACT SURG, 23(6):573-580, 2007. (SCI/IF=1.696)
H Liu, X Chai, Y Dang, Z Wang and Q Ren. Collagen remodeling induced by different non-ablative laser effects: a comparative in vivo study on mouse model. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 127: S137 821 Suppl. 1, Apr 2007. (Meeting,SCI/IF=4.829)
Liu H, Dang Y, Chai X, Wang Z, Ma L, Ren Q. Treatment of port wines stains with 595nm pulsed dye laser: a pilot study in Chinese patients. Clinical and experimental dermatology, 32(6): 646-649, 2007.(SCI/IF=1.522)
Rubing Liang, Xipeng Liu, Jianhua Liu, Qiushi Ren, Peiji Liang, Zhixin Lin, Xiangming Xie. A T7-expression system under temperature control could create temperature-sensitive phenotype of target gene in Escherichia coli. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 68:497–506, 2007.
Xinyu Chai, Leilei Zhang, Kun Yang, Changsi Cai, Qiushi Ren. Study of Tactile Perception Based on Phosphene Positioning Using Simulated Prosthetic Vision. Artificial Organs, 32(2):110-115, 2008.(SCI/IF=1.835)
Huaxu Liu and Yongyan Dang, Zhan Wang, Xinyu Chai and Qiushi Ren. Laser Induced Collagen Remodeling: A Comparative Study In Vivo on Mouse Model. lasers in surgery and medicine, 40(1):13-19, 2008. (SCI/IF=2.7)
Xinyu Chai, Liming Li, Kaijie Wu, Xiaohong Sui, Jinhai Niu, Chuanqing Zhou, Pengjia Cao, Qiushi Ren.  C-Sight Visual Prostheses for the Blind:Optic nerve stimulation with penetrating electrode array. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 27(5):20-28, 2008.  (SCI/IF=1.066) (EI Accession number: 083911601857)
Niu JH, Liu YF, Ren QS, Zhou Y, Zhou Y, Niu SA. Vision implants: An electrical device will bring light to the blind. Science in CHINA Series F-Information Sciences, 51(1): 101-110, 2008. (SCI/IF=0.437)
Cheng Wang, Jin Fan, Qiushi Ren. Visible light reflectance spectrum for measurement of cancerous tissue. SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS, 28(1):33-36,2008 (SCI/IF=0843)
Zhou Chuanqing, Wang Weichao, Yang Kun, Chai Xinyu, Ren, Qiushi. Measurement and comparison of the optical performance of an ophthalmic lens based on a Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensor in real viewing conditions. Applied Optics, 47(34): 6434-6441, 2008.
Jin Fan, Kun Yang, Chuanqing Zhou, Xinyu Chai, and Qiushi Ren. Light intensity distribution of a new type of contact laser scalpel. Chinese Optics Letters, 6(12):913-915, 2008.(SCIE)
Liming Li, Pengjia Cao, Mingjie Sun, Xinyu Chai, Kaijie Wu, Xun Xu, Xiaoxin Li, Qiushi Ren. Intraorbital optic nerve stimulation with penetrating electrodes: in vivo electrophysiology study in rabbits. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 247:349–361, 2009.
Cai C.S., Li L.M., Li X.L., Chen P.P., Chai X.Y., and Ren Q.S. Response properties of electrically evoked potential elicited by multi-channel penetrative optic nerve stimulation in rabbits. Doc Ophthalmol, 2008.