International Patents
- Duan Huiling, Porti Pujal Marc, Lanza Martinez Mario, Bayerl Albin, Nafría Maqueda Montserrat. Electrode for a nanogenerator with a piezoelectric material made of nanowires. International patent, Ref. no. WO2015004231-A1, January 15, 2015.
- Duan Huiling, Porti Pujal Marc, Lanza Martinez Mario, Bayerl Albin, Nafría Maqueda Montserrat. Conductive Atomic Force Microscope tips coated with Graphene. International patent, Ref. no. WO2014090938-A1, June 19, 2014.
Refereed journal papers (selected)
- Xiang, Y.L., Huang, S.L., Lv, P.Y, Xue, Y.H., Su, Q., Duan, H.L.*(2017): Ultimate Stable Underwater Superhydrophobic State. Physical Review Letters, 119(13).
- Xiao, X.Z., Chen, Q.Y., Yang, H., Duan, H.L.*, Qu, J.M.*(2017): A mechanistic model for depth-dependent hardness of ion irradiated metals. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 485, 80-90.
- Lv, P.Y., Xiang, Y.L., Xue, Y.H., Lin, H., Duan, H.L.(2017): Morphological bubble evolution induced by air diffusion on submerged hydrophobic structures. Physics of Fluids, 29(3), 10.
- Xiao, X.Z., Terentyev, D., Chen, Q.Y., Yu, L., Chen, L.R., Bakaev, A., Duan, H.L.*(2017) : The depth dependent hardness of bicrystals with dislocation transmission through grain boundaries: A theoretical model. International Journal of Plasticity, 90, 212-230.
- Xue, Y.H., Lv, P.Y., Lin, H., Duan, H.L.*(2016): Underwater superhydrophobicity: stability, design and regulation, and applications. Applied Mechanics Reviews, 68(3), 030803.
- Li, X. Y., Xue, Y. H., Zou, M., Zhang, D., Cao, A. Y., Duan, H. L.* (2016): Direct Oil Recovery from Saturated Carbon Nanotube Sponges. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 8, 12337-12343.
- Xiao, X. Z., Terentyevc, D., Yu, L., Bakaevc, A., Jin, Z. H., Duan, H.L.* (2016): Investigation of the thermo-mechanical behavior of neutron-irradiated Fe-Cr alloys by self-consistent plasticity theory, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 477, 123–133.
- Xiang, Y. L., Xue, Y. H., Lv, P. Y., Li, D. D., Duan, H.L.*(2016): Influence of fluid flow on the stability and wetting transition of submerged super hydrophobic surfaces, Soft Matter, 12, 4241-4246.
- Li, D. D., Xue, Y. H., Lv, P. Y., Huang, S. L., Lin, H., Duan, H.L.*(2016): Receding dynamics of contact lines and size-dependent adhesion on microstructured hydrophobic surfaces. Soft Matter, 12, 4241-4246
- Li, X. G., Xue, Y. H., Lv, P. Y., Lin, H., Du, F., Hu, Y. Y., Shen, J., Duan, H. L.*(2016): Liquid plasticine: controlled deformation and recovery of droplets with interfacial nanoparticle jamming. Soft Matter,12,1655-1662 (Cover).
- Xue, Y.H., Yang, Y., Sun, H., Li, X.Y., Wu, S., Cao, A.Y., Duan, H.L.* (2015): A Switchable and Compressible Carbon Nanotube Sponge Electrocapillary Imbiber. Advanced Materials, 27 (44), 7241-7246.
- Du, F., Duan, H.L., Xiong, C.Y., Wang, J,X., (2015): Substrate wettability requirement for the direct transfer of graphene. Applied Physics Letters 107 (14), 143109.
- Li, W. S., Wang, X. W., Zhang, X. T., et al. (2015): Mechanism of the Defect Formation in Supported Graphene by Energetic Heavy Ion Irradiation: the Substrate Effect. Scientific Reports 5.
- Shi, Y. Y., Ji, Y. F., Sun, H., et al. (2015): Nanoscale characterization of PM2.5 airborne pollutants reveals high adhesiveness and aggregation capability of soot particles. Scientific Reports 5.
- Xue, Y. H., Lv, P.Y., Liu, Y., Shi, Y., Lin, H., Duan, H. L. (2015): Morphology of gas cavities on patterned hydrophobic surfaces under reduced pressure. Physics of Fluids 27, 092003.
- Terentyev, D., Xiao, X., Dubinko, A., Bakaeva, A., Duan, H. L. (2015): Dislocation-mediated strain hardening in tungsten: Thermo-mechanical plasticity theory and experimental validation. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 85, 1-15.
- Xiao, X., Terentyev, D., Yu, L., Song, D., Bakaev, A., Duan, H. L. (2015): Modelling irradiation-induced softening in BCC iron by crystal plasticity approach. Journal of Nuclear Materials 466, 312-315.
- Xiao, X., Song, D., Chu, H., Xue, J., Duan, H. L. (2015): Mechanical behaviors of irradiated FCC polycrystals with nanotwins. International Journal of Plasticity 74, 110-126.
- Xiao, X.Z., Song, D.K., Chu, H.J., Xue, J.M. and Duan, H.L.* (2015): Mechanical properties for irradiated FCC nanocrystalline metals. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 471, 20140832.
- Xiao, X.Z., Song, D.K., Xue, J.M., Chu, H.J. and Duan, H.L.* (2015): A Self-consistent plasticity theory for modeling the thermo-mechanical properties of irradiated FCC metallic polycrystals. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 78, 1-16.
- Xue, Y.H., Wu, Y., Pei, X.W. and Duan, H.L.*, Xue Q.J., Zhou, F.* (2015): How solid-liquid adhesive property regulates liquid slippage on solid surfaces? Langmuir 31, 226–232.
- Lv, P.Y., Xue, Y.H., Liu, H., Shi, Y.P., Xi, P., Lin, H. and Duan, H.L.* (2015): Symmetric and asymmetric meniscus collapse in wetting transition on submerged structured surfaces, Langmuir 31, 1248–1254.
- Xiao, X.Z., Song, D.K., Xue, J.M., Chu, H.J., Duan, H.L.*(2015): A size-dependent tensorial plasticity model for FCC single crystal with irradiation. International Journal of Plasticity, 65, 152-167.
- Li, D.D., Li, S.C., Xue, Y.H., Yang, Y.T., Su, W.D., Xia, Z.H., Shi, Y.P., Lin, H. and Duan, H.L.*: The effect of slip distribution on flow past a circular cylinder. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2014. Vol. 51, pp. 211-224.
- Liu, Y.J., Lv, P.Y., Ma, J., Bai, R.B., Duan, H.L.*(2014): Stress fields in hollow core–shell spherical electrodes of lithium ion batteries. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 470, 20140299.
- Xue, Y.H., Markmann, J., Duan, H.L.*, Weissmuller, J., Huber, P. * (2014): Switchable imbibition in nanoporous gold. Nature Communications 5:4237 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms5237.
- Lanza, M., Reguant, M., Zou, G, Lv, P.Y., Li, H., Chin, R., Liang, H., Yu, D., Zhang, Y. F., Liu, Z. F., Duan, H.L.*(2014): High Performance Piezoelectric Nanogenerators Using Two‐Dimensional Flexible Top Electrodes. Advanced Materials Interfaces 1300101.
- Lv, P.Y., Xue,Y.H., Shi,Y.P., Lin, H.*, Duan, H.L.*(2014): Metastable states and wetting transition of submerged superhydrophobic structures. Physical Review Letters, 112, 196101.
- Xue, Y.H., Yuan, H.J., Su, W.D., Shi, Y.P. Duan, H.L.*(2014): Enhanced load-carrying capacity of hairy surfaces floating on water. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 2014, 470, 2165,
- Wu, Y., Xue, Y.H., Pei, X.W., Cai, M.R., Duan, H.L.*, Huck, W. T. S.*, Zhou, F.*, Xue, Q.J. Adhesion-Regulated Switchable Fluid Slippage on Superhydrophobic Surfaces. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2014, 118, 2564–2569.
- Lanza, M., Gao, T., Yin, Z., Zhang, Y.F., Liu, Z.F., Tong, Y.Z., Shen, Z.Y, Duan, H.L.*(2013): Nanogap based graphene coated AFM tips with high spatial resolution, conductivity and durability. Nanoscale, 5, 10816-10823.
- Lanza, M., Wang, Y., Gao, T., Bayerl, A., Porti, M., Nafria, M., Zhou, Y. B., Jing, G. Y., Zhang, Y.F., Liu, Z. F., Yu, D.P., Duan, H.L.*(2013): Electrical and mechanical performance of graphene sheets exposed to oxidative environments. Nano Research, 6, 485-495.
- Li, W.N., Sun, L.X., Xue, J.M., Wang, J.X., Duan, H.L.*(2013):Influence of ion irradiation induced defects on mechanical properties of copper nanowires. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 307, 158-164.
- Li, H., Zhao, Q., Wang, W., Dong, H., Xu, D. S., Zou, G., Duan, H.L., Yu, D. P. (2013): Novel planar-structure electrochemical devices for highly flexible semitransparent power generation/Storage sources. Nano Letters, 13, 1271–1277.
- Lanza, M., Bayerl, A., Gao, T., Porti, M., Nafria, M., Jing, G. Y., Zhang, Y. F., Liu, Z. F., Duan, H. L. (2013): Graphene-coated atomic force microscope tips for reliable nanoscale electrical characterization Adv. Mater. 25, 1440–1444.
- Lanza, M., Wang, Y., Bayerl, A., Gao, T., Porti, M., Nafria, M., Liang, H., Jing, G. Y., Liu, Z. F., Zhang, Y. F., Tong, Y., Duan, H. L.(2013): Tuning graphene morphology by substrate towards wrinkle-free devices: Experiment and simulation. J. Appl. Phys. 113, 104301.
- Xue, Y.H., Chu, S.G. Lv, P.Y., Duan, H.L. (2012): Importance of hierarchical structures in wetting stability on submersed superhydrophobic surfaces. Langmuir 28, 9440−9450.
- Wang, M.Q., Wang, Y., Sun,Y.J., Zhang,G.Y., Duan, H.L. (2012): Thermo-mechanical solution of film/substrate systems under local thermal load and application to laser lift-off of GaN/sapphire structures. Int. J. Solids Struct., 49, 1701-1711
- Zhang, K., Zhao, X.W., Duan, H.L., Wang, J., Karihaloo, B.L. (2011): Novel pattern transformations in periodic cellular solids under external stimuli. J. Appl. Phys. 109, 084907.
- Li, W.N., Duan, H.L., Albe, K., Weissmuller, J. (2011): Line stress of step edges at crystal surfaces. Surface Science. 605, 947-957.
- Wang, Y., Weissmüller, J., Duan, H.L. (2010): Mechanics of corrugated surfaces. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 58, 1552-1566.
- Zhang, K., Han, T., Duan, H.L., Wang, J.X. (2010): A theoretical study of possible shape and phase changes of carbon nanotube crystals during contraction and expansion. Carbon 48, 2948-2952.
- Jing, B.X., Zhao, J., Yan, W., Yi, X., Duan, H.L. (2010): Water swelling induced morphological instability of supported polymethyl methacrylate thin film. Langmuir 26, 7651–7655.
- Zhang, K., Duan, H.L., Karihaloo, B. L., Wang, J. X. (2010): Hierarchical, multilayered cell walls reinforced by recycled silk cocoons enhance the structural integrity of honeybee combs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107, 9502-9506.
- Zhang, K., Si, F. W., Duan, H. L., Wang, J. X. (2010): Microstructures and mechanical properties of silks of silkworm and honeybee. Acta Biomaterialia 6, 2165-2171.
- Duan, H.L. (2010): Surface-enhanced cantilever sensors with nano-porous films. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 23, 1-12.
- Weissmüler, J., Duan, H.L., Farkas, D. (2010): Deformation of solids with nanoscale pores by the action of capillary forces. Acta Mater. 58, 1-13.
- Duan, H.L., Xue, Y.H. and Yi X. (2009): Vibration of cantilevers with rough surfaces. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica22, 551-554.
- Yi, X. and Duan, H.L. (2009): Surface stress induced by interactions of adsorbates and its effect on deformation and frequency of microcantilever sensors. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 57, 1254-1266.
- Wang, Y., Weissmüller, J., Duan, H.L. (2009): Tuning and monitoring of quantum dot growth by an in situ cantilever. Phys. Rev. B 79, 045401.
- Weissmuller, J. and Duan, H.L. (2008): Cantilever bending with rough surfaces Phys. Rev. Lett., 101, 146102.
- Duan, H.L., Wang, J and Karihaloo, B.L. (2008): Theory of elasticity at the nano-scale. Advances in Applied Mechanics 42, 1-63.
- Duan, H.L., Weissmuller J. and Wang, Y. (2008): Instabilities of core-shell heterostructured cylinders due to diffusions and epitaxy: spheroidization and blossom of nanowires. J. Mech. Phys. Solids56, 1831-1851.
- Duan, H.L., Yi, X., Huang, Z.P. and Wang, J. (2007): A unified scheme for prediction of effective moduli of multiphase composites with interface effects: Part I - theoretical framework. Mech. Mater. 39, 81-93.
- Duan, H.L., Yi, X., Huang, Z.P. and Wang, J. (2007): A unified scheme for prediction of effective moduli of multiphase composites with interface effects: Part II - application and scaling laws. Mech. Mater. 39, 94-103.
- Duan, H.L., Karihaloo, B.L. (2007): Effective conductivities of heterogeneous media containing imperfectly-bonded multiple inclusions. Phys. Rev. B 75, 064206.
- Duan, H.L., Karihaloo, B.L. (2007): Thermo-elastic properties of heterogeneous materials with imperfect interfaces: Generalized Levin's formula and Hill's connections. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 55, 1036-1052.
- Duan, H.L., Wang, J., Karihaloo, B.L. and Huang, Z.P. (2006): Nanoporous materials can be made stiffer than non-porous counterparts by surface modification. Acta Mater. 54, 2983-2990.
- Duan, H.L., Karihaloo, B.L., Wang, J., and Yi, X. (2006): Effective conductivities of heterogeneous media containing multiple inclusions with various spatial distributions. Phys. Rev. B73, Art 174203.
- Duan, H.L., Jiao, Y., Yi, X., Huang, Z.P. and Wang, J. (2006): Solutions of inhomogeneity problems with graded shells and application to core-shell nanoparticles and composites. J. Mech. Phys. Solids54, 1401-1425.
- Duan, H.L., Karihaloo, B.L., Wang, J. and Yi, X. (2006): Strain distributions in nano-onions with uniform and non-uniform compositions. Nanotech. 17, 3380-3387.
- Duan, H.L., Karihaloo, B.L., Wang, J. and Yi, X. (2006): Compatible composition profiles and critical sizes of alloyed quantum dots. Phys. Rev. B. 74, Art 195328.
- Jing, G.Y., Duan, H.L., Sun, X. M., Zhang, Z.S., Xu, J., Li, Y.D., Wang, J. and Yu, D.P. (2006): Surface effects on elastic properties of silver nanowires: Contact atomic-force microscopy. Phys. Rev. B 73, Art 235409.
- Wang, J., Duan, H.L. and Yi, X. (2006): Bounds on effective conductivities of heterogeneous media with graded constituents. Phys. Rev. B73, Art 104208.
- Duan, H.L., Karihaloo, B.L., Yi, X. and Wang, J. (2006): Conductivities of heterogeneous media with graded anisotropic constituents. J. Appl. Phys. 100, 034906.
- Wang, J., Duan, H.L., Huang, Z.P. and Karihaloo, B.L. (2006): A scaling law for properties of nano-structured materials. Proc. Roy. Soc. A 462, 1355-1363.
- Duan, H.L., Wang, J., Huang, Z.P. and Karihaloo, B.L. (2005): Size-dependent effective elastic constants of solids containing nano-inhomogeneities with interface stress. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 53, 1574-1596.
- Duan, H.L., Wang, J., Huang, Z.P. and Karihaloo, B.L. (2005): Eshelby formalism for nano-inhomogeneities. Proc. Roy. Soc. A 461, 3335-3353.
- Duan, H.L., Wang, J., Huang, Z.P. and Zhong, Y. (2005): Stress fields of a spheroidal inhomogeneity with an interphase in an infinite medium under remote loadings. Proc. Roy. Soc. A 461, 1055-1080.
- Duan, H.L., Wang, J., Huang, Z.P. and Luo, Z.Y. (2005): Stress concentration tensors of inhomogeneities with interface effects.Mech. Mater. 37, 723-736.