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Postdoctoral Fellows in Combustion
A postdoctoral Research Associate position is available at Combustion Group of Peking University, for outstanding candidate with experience in combustion and/or fluid mechanics.
The research is funded by Chinese 10000-Talent-plan and National Science Foundation of China awarded to the Principal Investigator. It will involve fundamental research on combustion. The postdoc fellow will work on one of the following topics: 
(1) Direct numerical simulation and/or large-eddy simulation of reactive flow;
(2) Dynamics and Combustion of Two-Phase Flows;
(3) Combustion chemistry analysis on surrogate gasoline and jet fuels;
(4) Other topics the applicant is interested in.
Requirements for this appointment include: 
(1) PhD degree (received or expected) in combustion, fluid mechanics, or related fields; 
(2) good background in combustion and fluid dynamics;  
(3) strong and demonstrated experience of combustion or fluid dynamics research;
(4) good publication in peer-reviewed academic journals, strong oral communication skills;  
(5) a commitment to excellence and an ambition to succeed in a career in research.  
To apply, please send a letter describing your PhD work, a CV, and 3 references to Prof. Zheng Chen, czpku.edu.cn (website: http://www2.coe.pku.edu.cn/subpaget.asp?id=391)
Peking University, located in Beijing, is the most prestigious university in China and one of the leading research universities in Asia. The Combustion Group focuses on fundamental and applied research on combustion. The post-doctoral position is to start as soon as possible, and offers a competitive salary and benefits package. The appointment is expected to be for two years. The starting salary will be RMB 100k-150k per year, depending on the applicant's qualification. The university will provide a one bedroom flat at an economical price to oversee fellow. Other insurance and compensation will be included in the package.


本课题组欢迎对燃烧研究感兴趣的同学参与相关项目研究,请直接与我联系(手机:13439589987;Email: cz(at)pku.edu.cn)。

备注: 传统燃料和生物质燃料的燃烧过程中会涉及复杂的化学反应过程。为了定量预测燃烧过程,必需在模型中考虑复杂化学反应过程。本课题将采用TChem 来分析化学反应过程。


本课题组每年计划招收博士研究生1~2名。研究方向为燃烧基础研究(见“科研”)。欢迎有流体力学、工程热物理、或应用数学知识背景的应往届本科毕业生和研究生前来一起从事燃烧研究。请直接与我联系(Email: cz(at)pku.edu.cn)。

招收博士后 (招收两人,有效期至2014年9月)

本实验室拟招收从事(1)湍流燃烧模拟以及(2)替代燃料模型(surrogate fuel model)与化学反应机理研究的博士后各一名。欢迎有工程热物理或计算流体力学背景的博士生与我联系,请将个人简历email到cz(at)pku.edu.cn。