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[162] Dehai Yu, Zheng Chen*, Premixed flame ignition: Theoretical development, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 104 (2024) 101174.  [link]   PDF

[161] Yan Wang, Yiqing Wang, Xinyi Chen, Shumeng Xie, Hannes Böttler, Arne Scholtissek, Christian Hasse, Zheng Chen*,  Forced ignition of cool, warm and hot flames in a laminar non-premixed counterflow of DME versus air, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40 (2024) 105222.  [linkPDF

[160] Jie Sun, Pengfei Yang, Yiqing Wang, Zheng Chen*, Numerical study on detonation initiation by multiple hot spots, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40 (2024) 105191.  [link]   PDF

[159] Linlin Yang, Yiqing Wang*, Peng Dai, Zheng Chen, Effect of temperature disturbance on end-gas autoignition and detonation development, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40 (2024) 105220. [link]  PDF

[158] Dehai Yu, Lianjie Yue and Zheng Chen*, Theoretical analysis on the forced ignition of a quiescent mixture by heat and radical sources, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40 (2024) 105549. [link]  PDF

[157] Hsu Chew Lee, Peng Dai*, Xiaohua Gan, Zheng Chen, Detonation development in H2, CH4, and PRF-air mixtures under engine-relevant conditions: from a chemical perspective, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40 (2024) 105212.  [link]   PDF

[156] Shangyong Zhou, Jianjun Xiao*, Zhenmin Luo*, Mike Kuznetsov, Zheng Chen, Thomas Jordan, Daniel T. Banuti, Analysis of spontaneous ignition of hydrogen-enriched methane in a rectangular tube, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40 (2024) 105681.  [link]  PDF

[155] Linlin Yang, Yiqing Wang, Zheng Chen*, Propagation and self-acceleration of circular expanding hydrogen/air flames at cryogenic temperature, Combustion and Flame 265 (2024) 113501 [linkPDF

[154] Yiqing Wang, Xuefeng Guan, Shumeng Xie, Mengni Zhou, Zunhua Zhang, Zheng Chen, Tianhan Zhang*, Numerical studies on the ignition and propagation for spherically expanding premixed cool flames under gravitational conditions, Combustion and Flame 259 (2024) 113194.  [link]   PDF 

[153] Yan Wang*, Shumeng Xie, Hannes Böttler, Yiqing Wang, Xinyi Chen, Arne Scholtissek, Christian Hasse, Zheng Chen*, Forced ignition of premixed cool and hot DME/air flames in a laminar counterflow, Combustion and Flame, 259 (2024) 113169. [linkPDF

[152] Zhuyi Qu, Yan Wang, Xinyi Chen*, Zheng Chen,  Effects of partial fuel cracking on the forced ignition and spherical flame propagation in ammonia/air mixtures, Fuel, 2024, 378: 132936.  [link]  PDF

[151] Shumeng Xie, Xinyi Chen, Yiqing Wang, Tianhan Zhang∗, Zheng Chen, Numerical study on forced ignition and flame propagation in a counterflow of nitrogen-diluted hydrogen versus air, Fuel, 357 (2024) 129863. [link] PDF

[150] Pengfei Yang, Dehai Yu, Zheng Chen, Honghui Teng*, Hoi Dick Ng,  Effects of thermal stratification on detonation development in hypersonic reactive flows, Physical Review Fluids, 2024, 9, 083202. [link]   PDF

[149] Linlin Yang, Yiqing Wang, Thorsten Zirwes, Feichi Zhang, Henning Bockhorn, Zheng Chen*, Effects of intrinsic instabilities on the response of premixed hydrogen/air conical flames to inlet flow perturbations, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 112 (2024) 1275-1297.  [link] PDF

[148] Xinyi Chen, Zisen Li, Yiqing Wang, Wang Han, Arne Scholtissek, Peng Dai, Christian Hasse, Zheng Chen*, Numerical study on three-stage ignition of dimethyl ether by hot air under engine-relevant conditions, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 28 (2024) 127-150 [link]  PDF


[147] Xinyi Chen, Hannes Böttler, Shumeng Xie, Arne Scholtissek, Wang Han, Christian Hasse, Zheng Chen*, On the flow-facilitated ignition in a mixture with low Lewis number, Combustion and Flame, 258 (2023) 113091. [link]  PDF

[146] Jie Sun, Yiqing Wang, Baolin Tian, Zheng Chen*, DetonationFoam: an open-source solver for simulation of gaseous detonation based on OpenFOAM, Computer Physics Communications, 292 (2023) 108859. [link]  PDF

[145] Jie Sun, Pengfei Yang*, Baolin Tian, Zheng Chen, Evolution and Control of Oblique Detonation Wave Structure in Unsteady Inflow. AIAA Journal, 61 (2023) 4808-4820. [link]  PDF

[144] Jie Sun, Pengfei Yang, Baoqing Meng*, Rui Zhou, Baolin Tian, Zheng Chen. Effects of array-distributed cavities on the shockto-detonation transition in heterogeneous energetic materials. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35:126117. [linkPDF

[143] Mahdi Faghih*, Agustin Valera-Medina, Zheng Chen, Amin Paykani, Effect of radiation on laminar flame speed determination in spherically propagating NH3-air, NH3/CH4-air and NH3/H2-air flames at normal temperature and pressure, Combustion and Flame, 257 (2023) 113030. [link]   PDF

[142] Yuan Wang, Chengyang Huang, Ralf Deiterding, Haitao Chen, Zheng Chen*, Numerical studies on detonation propagation in inhomogeneous mixtures with periodic reactant concentration gradient, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 955 (2023) A23. [link]  PDF

[141] Yiqing Wang, Wang Han∗, Thorsten Zirwes, Antonio Attili, Liming Cai, Henning Bockhorn, Lijun Yang, Zheng Chen, A systematic analysis of chemical mechanisms for ethylene oxidation and PAH formation, Combustion and Flame, 253 (2023) 112784. [linkPDF

[140] Dehai Yu, Zheng Chen*, Theoretical analysis on the forced ignition of a quiescent mixture by repetitive heating pulse, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 39 (2023) 1881-1891. [link]   PDF  

[139] Linlin Yang, Zheng Chen*, Effects of cryogenic temperature on premixed hydrogen/air flame propagation in a closed channelProceedings of the Combustion Institute, 39 (2023) 2991-2999. [link]  PDF

[138] Jie Sun, Baolin Tian, Zheng Chen*, Effect of ozone addition and ozonolysis reaction on the detonation properties of C2H4/O2/Ar mixturesProceedings of the Combustion Institute, 39 (2023) 2797-2806. [link PDF

[137] Xinyi Chen, Shumeng Xie, Hannes Böttler, Arne Scholtissek, Wang Han, Dehai Yu, Christian Hasse, Zheng Chen*, Effects of electrodes and imposed flow on forced ignition in laminar premixed hydrogen/air mixtures with large Lewis number, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 39 (2023) 1967-1976. [link]  PDF

[136] Yiqing Wang, Wang Han, Thorsten Zirwes, Feichi Zhang, Henning Bockhorn, Zheng Chen*, Effects of low-temperature chemical reactions on ignition kernel development and flame propagation in a DME-air mixing layerProceedings of the Combustion Institute, 39 (2023) 1515-1524. [link]  PDF

[135] Hsu Chew Lee, Peng Dai*, Zheng Chen, Xiaohua Gan, Detonation development in PRF/air mixtures under engine-relevant conditions, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 39 (2023) 4909-4918. [link]   PDF

[134] Haiyue Li*, Zheng Chen, Detonation development in hydrogen/air mixtures inside a closed chamber: role of a cold wall, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 39 (2023) 3011-3019. [link PDF

[133] Marie-Eve Clavel, Pierre Schleuniger, Yiqing Wang, Alexis Vandel, Vincent Modica, Zheng Chen, Bruno Renou*, A study of propagation of spherically expanding flames at low pressure using direct measurements and numerical simulationsProceedings of the Combustion Institute, 39 (2023) 1763-1772. [link PDF

[132] Xin Lu, Erjiang Hu*, Sage Kokjohn*, Arun Ravindran, Zheng Chen, Ke Zeng, Zuohua Huang, Experimental and numerical study on the critical initiation radii of 1,3-Butadiene/Oxygen/Helium flame under elevated pressures, Fuel, 345 (2023)128191. [LinkPDF

[131] Shumeng Xie, Xinyi Chen, Hannes Böttler, Arne Scholtissek, Christian Hasse, Zheng Chen*, Forced ignition of a rich hydrogen/air mixture in a laminar counterflow: a computational study, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 110 (2023) 441-456 [linkPDF

[130] Linlin Yang, Yiqing Wang, Zheng Chen*, Comparison of combustion duration and end-gas autoignition in inwardly and outwardly propagating flames induced by different ignition configurations, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 27 (2023) 103-117.   [link]  PDF

[129] Yuan Wang, Jingyi Su, Ralf Deiterding, Zheng Chen*, Effects of Dilution and Pressure on Detonation Propagation across an Inert Layer, AIAA Journal, 61 (2023) 1540-1547. [link]  PDF


[128] Dehai Yu, Zheng Chen*, Theoretical analysis on the ignition of a combustible mixture by a hot particle, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 936 (2022) A22.  [link]  PDF

[127] Dehai Yu, Xinyi Chen, Zheng Chen*,  Analysis on ignition kernel formation in a quiescent mixture: different characteristic time scales and critical heating powers, Combustion and Flame, 245 (2022) 112326.  [link]   PDF

[126] Shumeng Xie, Dehai Yu, Joel Daou, Zheng Chen*, Curvature effects on triple flame propagation in fuel-oxidizer counterflow, Combustion and Flame, 245 (2022) 112353.  [link]   PDF 

[125] Hannes Bottler, Xinyi Chen, Shumeng Xie, Arne Scholtissek*, Zheng Chen, Christian Hasse, Flamelet modeling of forced ignition and flame propagation in hydrogen-air mixtures, Combustion and Flame, 243 (2022) 112125. [link]  PDF

[124] Yiqing Wang, Wang Han*, Antonio Attili, Zheng Chen, Numerical analysis of very rich propagating spherical flames: soot formation and its impact on the determination of laminar flame speed, Combustion and Flame, 237 (2022) 111860. [link]   PDF

[123] Marie-Eve Clavel, Alexis Vandel, Vincent Modica, Zheng Chen, Emilien Varea, Vincent Moureau, Bruno Renou*, Determination of spatially averaged consumption speed from spherical expanding flame: a new experimental methodology, Combustion and Flame, 235 (2022) 111720. [link]  PDF
[122] Xuechen Xi, Honghui Teng*, Zheng Chen, Pengfei Yang*, Effects of longitudinal disturbances on two-dimensional detonation waves, Physical Review Fluids, 7 (2022) 043201.  [link]   PDF

[121 ] Li Yang, Lianjie Yue*, Dehai Yu, Zheng Chen, Numerical study on wave configuration of wedge-induced oblique detonation wave: Reactive boundary layer effect, Physics of Fluids, 34 (2022) 116103. [linkPDF

[120] Jie Sun, Pengfei Yang*, Baolin Tian, Zheng Chen, Effects of wedge-angle change on the evolution of oblique detonation wave structure, Physics of Fluids, 34 (2022) 096112.  [link]   PDF

[119] Feichi Zhang*, Thorsten Zirwes, Yiqing Wang, Zheng Chen, Henning Bockhorn, Dimosthenis Trimis, Dieter Stapf, Dynamics of Premixed Hydrogen/Air Flames in Unsteady Flow, Physics of Fluids, 34 (2022) 085121.   [link]   PDF

[118] Pengfei Yang, Haoyang Li*, Zheng Chen, Chun Wang, Honghui Teng, Numerical investigation on movement of triple points on oblique detonation surfaces, Physics of Fluids,  34 (2022) 066113. [link]   PDF

[117] Yan Wang, Shangpeng Li, Yiqing Wang, Dehai Yu*, Huangwei Zhang, Zheng Chen, Analysis on the ignition of hydrogen/air mixtures induced by a hot particle, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24 (2022) 21188.  [link PDF

[116] Yan Wang, Xinyi Chen, Zheng Chen*, Super-adiabatic temperature in homogenous ignition of CH4/O2/N2 mixtures, Fuel319 (2022) 123854.   [link]  PDF

[115] Chengyang Huang, Yiqing Wang, Ralf Deiterding, Dehai Yu, Zheng Chen*, Numerical studies on weak and strong ignition induced by reflected shock and boundary layer interaction, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 38 (2022) 121466.  [link]   PDF

[114] Kepeng Yao, Pengfei Yang, Honghui Teng*, Zheng Chen, Chun Wang, Effects of injection parameters on propagation patterns of hydrogen-fueled rotating detonation waves, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47 (2022) 38811-38822. [linkPDF

[113] Yiqing Wang, Zheng Chen*, Effects of particle size on the ignition of static CH4/air and H2/air mixtures by hot particles, Combustion Science and Technology, 194 (2022) 869-881.  [link]   PDF


[112] D. Yu, Z. Chen*, Theoretical analysis on the transient ignition of a premixed expanding flame in a quiescent mixture, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 924 (2021) A22. [link]   PDF

[111] Y. Wang*, Z. Chen, H. Chen*, Diffraction of weakly unstable detonation through an obstacle with different sizes and shapes, Physical Review Fluids, 6 (2021) 043201. [link]  PDF

[110] Y. Wang, Z. Chen, H. Chen*, Propagation of gaseous detonation in spatially inhomogeneous mixtures, Physics of Fluids,  33 (2021) 116105. [link]  PDF

[109] X. Chen, H. Bottler, A. Scholtissek, C. Hasse, Z. Chen*, Effects of stretch-chemistry interaction on chemical pathways for strained and curved hydrogen/air premixed flames, Combustion and Flame, 232 (2021) 111532. [link]  PDF

[108] Y. Zhang, M. Jeanson, R. Mevel*, Z. Chen, N. Chaumeix, Optimizing mixture properties for accurate laminar flame speed measurement from spherically expanding flame: application to H2/O2/N2/He mixtures, Combustion and Flame, 231 (2021) 111487. [link]  PDF

[107] Y. Wang, W. Han*, Z. Chen, Effects of stratification on premixed cool flame propagation and modeling, Combustion and Flame, 229 (2021) 111394. [link]  PDF

[106] S. Xie, Z. Lu, Z. Chen*, Effects of strain rate and Lewis number on forced ignition of laminar counterflow diffusion flames, Combustion and Flame, 226 (2021) 302-314. [link]  PDF

[105] Q. Yang, Z. Chen, A.J. Susa, R.K. Hanson, P. Zhao*, Thermal-pyrolysis induced over-driven flame and its potential role in the negative-temperature dependence of iso-octane flame speed at elevated temperatures, Combustion and Flame, 223 (2021) 65-76. [link]   PDF

[104] X. Chen, P. Zhao, P. Dai, Z. Chen*, On the prediction of hot spot induced ignition by the Livengood-Wu integral, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38 (2021) 4709-4716.  [link]   PDF

[103] Z. Chen*, Effects of radiative loss on premixed planar flame propagation, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38 (2021) 4683-4690.  [link]   PDF

[102] Y. Wang, C. Huang, R. Deiterding, H. Chen, Z. Chen*, Propagation of gaseous detonation across inert layers, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38 (2021) 3555-3563. [link]  PDF

[101] Y. Wang, H. Zhang, T. Zirwes, F. Zhang, H. Bockhorn, Z. Chen*, Ignition of dimethyl ether/air mixtures by hot particles: Impact of low temperature chemical reactions, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38 (2021) 2459-2466. [link]  PDF

[100] P. Dai*, Z. Chen, X. Gan, M.A. Liberman, Autoignition and detonation development from a hot spot inside a closed chamber: effects of end wall reflection, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38 (2021) 5905-5913.  [linkPDF

[99] T. Zirwes*, F. Zhang, Y.Wang, P. Habisreuther, J.A. Denev, Z Chen, H. Bockhorn, D. Trimis, In-situ flame particle tracking based on barycentric coordinates for studying local flame dynamics in pulsating Bunsen flames, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38 (2021) 2057-2066.  [link]  PDF

[98] H. Bottler*, A. Scholtissek, X. Chen, Z. Chen, C. Hasse, Premixed flames for arbitrary combinations of strain and curvature, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38 (2021) 2031-2039.  [link]  PDF

[97] X. Chen, W. Peng, P. Gillard, L. Courty, M.L. Sankhe, S. Bernard, Y. Wu, Y. Wang, Z. Chen*, Effects of fuel decomposition and stratification on the forced ignition of a static flammable mixture, Combustion Theory and Modelling,  25 (2021) 813-831.  [link]  PDF

[96] C. Zhou, W. Liang*, Z. Chen, On explosion limits of ammonia-oxygen mixtures with hydrogen addition: sensitivity and nonmonotonicity, Energy & Fuels, 35 (2021) 14035-14041. [link]  PDF

[95] X. Chen, Y. Wang, T. Zirwes, F. Zhang, H. Bockhorn, Z. Chen*, Heat release rate markers for highly-stretched premixed CH4/air and CH4/H2/air flames, Energy & Fuels, 35 (2021) 13349-13359.  [link]  PDF

[94] D. Yu, Z. Chen*, Theoretical analysis on droplet vaporization at elevated temperatures and pressures, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 164 (2021) 120542.  [link]   PDF

[93] J. Su, Y. Wu, Y. Wang, X. Chen, Z. Chen*, Skeletal and reduced kinetic models for methane oxidation under engine-relevant conditions, Fuel, 288 (2021) 119667.  [link]   PDF  

[92] J. Su, P. Dai, Z. Chen*, Detonation development from a hot spot in methane/air mixtures: effects of kinetic models, International Journal of Engine Research, 22 (2021) 2597-2606. [link]  PDF

[91] Y. Wang, P. Guo, H. Chen, Z. Chen*, Numerical modeling of ignition enhancement by repetitively nanoseond discharge in a hydrogen/air mixture — Part I: Calculations assuming homogeneous ignition, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54 (2021) 065501.  [link]  PDF 

[90]  Y. Wang, P. Guo, H. Chen, Z. Chen*, Numerical modeling of ignition enhancement by repetitively nanosecond discharge in a hydrogen/air mixture — Part II: Forced ignition, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54 (2021) 065502.  [link]  PDF


[00] W. Han, P. Dai, X. Gou, Z. Chen*, A review of laminar flame speeds of hydrogen and syngas measured from propagating spherical flames, Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, 1-4 (2020) 100008. [link]  PDF

[89]  M. Faghih, R. Mevel*, Y. He, Z. Chen, Effect of 2-step energy release on the direct detonation initiation by a point energy source in a rich H2-NO2/N2O4-Ar mixture, Combustion and Flame, 222 (2020) 317-325.   [linkPDF

[88] Y. Wang, A. Movaghar, Z. Wang, Z. Liu, W. Sun, F.N. Egolfopoulos, Z. Chen*, Laminar flame speeds of methane/air mixtures at engine conditions: Performance of different kinetic models and power-law correlations, Combustion and Flame, 218 (2020) 101-108.  [link]   PDF 

[87] F. Halter*, Z. Chen, G. Dayma, C. Bariki, Y. Wang, P. Dagaut, C. Chauveau, Development of an optically accessible apparatus to characterize the evolution of spherically expanding flames under constant volume conditions, Combustion and Flame, 212 (2020) 165-176. [link]   PDF

[86] Y. Wang, J. Jayachandran, Z. Chen*, Effects of pressure rise on laminar flame speed under normal and engine-relevant conditions, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 24 (2020) 953-964.  [link]   PDF

[85] Q. Li, C. Liu, H. Zhang*, M. Wang, Z. Chen, Initiation and propagation of spherical premixed flames with inert solid particles, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 24 (2020) 606-631.  [link]   PDF

[84] Y. Gao, P. Dai, Z.Chen*, Numerical studies on autoignition and detonation development from a hot spot in hydrogen/air mixtures, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 24 (2020) 245-261.  [link]   PDF

[83] D. Yu, Z. Chen*, A theoretical analysis on enthalpy of vaporization: temperature-dependence and singularity at the critical state, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 516 (2020) 112611.  [link]   PDF