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[00] W. Han, P. Dai, X. Gou, Z. Chen*, A review of laminar flame speeds of hydrogen and syngas measured from propagating spherical flames, Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, 1-4 (2020) 100008. [link]  PDF

[89]  M. Faghih, R. Mevel*, Y. He, Z. Chen, Effect of 2-step energy release on the direct detonation initiation by a point energy source in a rich H2-NO2/N2O4-Ar mixture, Combustion and Flame, 222 (2020) 317-325.   [linkPDF

[88] Y. Wang, A. Movaghar, Z. Wang, Z. Liu, W. Sun, F.N. Egolfopoulos, Z. Chen*, Laminar flame speeds of methane/air mixtures at engine conditions: Performance of different kinetic models and power-law correlations, Combustion and Flame, 218 (2020) 101-108.  [link]   PDF 

[87] F. Halter*, Z. Chen, G. Dayma, C. Bariki, Y. Wang, P. Dagaut, C. Chauveau, Development of an optically accessible apparatus to characterize the evolution of spherically expanding flames under constant volume conditions, Combustion and Flame, 212 (2020) 165-176. [link]   PDF

[86] Y. Wang, J. Jayachandran, Z. Chen*, Effects of pressure rise on laminar flame speed under normal and engine-relevant conditions, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 24 (2020) 953-964.  [link]   PDF

[85] Q. Li, C. Liu, H. Zhang*, M. Wang, Z. Chen, Initiation and propagation of spherical premixed flames with inert solid particles, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 24 (2020) 606-631.  [link]   PDF

[84] Y. Gao, P. Dai, Z.Chen*, Numerical studies on autoignition and detonation development from a hot spot in hydrogen/air mixtures, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 24 (2020) 245-261.  [link]   PDF

[83] D. Yu, Z. Chen*, A theoretical analysis on enthalpy of vaporization: temperature-dependence and singularity at the critical state, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 516 (2020) 112611.  [link]   PDF


[82] P. Dai*, Z. Chen, X. Gan, Autoignition and detonation development induced by a hot spot in fuel-lean and CO2 diluted n-heptane/air mixtures, Combustion and Flame, 201 (2019) 208-214.  [link]    PDF 

[81] Z. Li, X. Gou, Z. Chen*, Effects of hydrogen addition on non-premixed ignition of iso-octane by hot air in a diffusion layer, Combustion and Flame, 199 (2019) 292-300.  [link]   PDF

[80] P. Dai*, Z. Chen, Effects of NOx addition on autoignition and detonation development in DME/air under engine-relevant conditions, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37 (2019) 4813-4820.  [link]   PDF

[79] M. Faghih, H. Li, X. Gou, Z. Chen*, On laminar premixed flame propagating into autoigniting mixturesunder engine-relevant conditions, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37 (2019) 4673-4680.  [link]   PDF

[78] Y. Wang, W. Han, Z. Chen*, Effects of fuel stratification on ignition kernel development and minimum ignition energy of n-decane/air mixtures, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37 (2019) 1623-1630.  [link]   PDF

[77] M. Faghih, Z. Chen*, J. Huo, Z. Ren, C.K. Law, On the determination of laminar flame speed from low-pressure and super-adiabatic propagating spherical flames, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37 (2019) 1505-1512.  [link]   PDF  

[76] W. Han*, V. Ramana, M.E. Mueller, Z. Chen, Effects of combustion models on soot formation and evolution in turbulent nonpremixed flames, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37 (2019) 985-992. [link]   PDF

[75] C. Huang, C. Qi, Z.Chen*, Non-uniform ignition behind a reflected shock and its influence on ignition delay measured in a shock tube, Shock Waves, 29 (2019) 957-967.  [link]   PDF

[74] H. Li, H. Zhang, Z.Chen*, Effects of endothermic chain-branching reaction on spherical flame initiation and propagation, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 23 (2019) 496-514.  [link]   PDF


[00]  Z. Chen*, Application of singular perturbation method in the analysis of laminar premixed flames, Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied mechanics, 50 (2018) 1418-1435.  (Invited review paper, in Chinese 纪念郭永怀先生专栏)   PDF 

[73] Y. Wang, W. Han, R. Deiterding, Z.Chen*, Effects of disturbance on detonation initiation in H2/O2/N2 mixture, Physical Review Fluids, 3 (2018) 123201.  [link]  PDF 

[72] W. Liang*, C.K. Law, Z. Chen, Ignition of hydrogen/air mixtures by a heated kernel: role of Soret diffusion, Combustion and Flame, 197 (2018) 416-422.  [link]  PDF 

[71] M. Faghih, W. Han, Z. Chen*, Effects of Soret diffusion on premixed flame propagation under engine-relevant conditions, Combustion and Flame, 194 (2018) 175-179.  [link]   PDF 

[70] W. Zhang, M. Faghih, X. Gou, Z. Chen*, Numerical study on the transient evolution of a premixed cool flame, Combustion and Flame, 187 (2018) 129-136.  [link]   PDF      

[69] H. Zhang*, Z. Chen, Bifurcation and extinction limit of stretched premixed flames with chain-branching intermediate kinetics and radiative loss, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 22 (2018) 531-553.  [link]  PDF 


[00] X. Gou, W. Sun, Z. Chen*, Numerical methods for complicated chemical mechanism involved in combustion simulation, SCIENTIA SINICA Physica, Mechanica & Astronomica, 47 (2017) 070006.  [link] PDF (Invited review paper, in Chinese)   

[68] M. Faghih, Z. Chen*, Two-stage heat release in nitromethane/air flame and its impact on laminar flame speed measurement, Combustion and Flame, 183 (2017) 157-165.  [link]   PDF 

[67] Z. Chen*, Effects of radiation on large-scale spherical flame propagation, Combustion and Flame, 183 (2017) 66-74.  [link]   PDF

[66] B. Lin, Y. Wu*, Z. Zhang, Z. Chen, Multi-channel nanosecond discharge plasma ignition of premixed propane/air under normal and sub-atmospheric pressures, Combustion and Flame,182 (2017) 102-113.  [link]   PDF    

[65] H. Yu, C. Qi, Z. Chen*, Effects of flame propagation speed and chamber size on end-gas autoignition, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36 (2017) 3533-3541.  [link]   PDF    

[64] C. Qi, Z. Chen*, Effects of temperature perturbation on direct detonation initiation, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36 (2017) 2743-2751.  [link]  PDF  

[63] C. Qi, P. Dai, H. Yu, Z. Chen*, Different modes of reaction front propagation in n-heptane/air mixture with concentration non-uniformity, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36 (2017) 3633-3641.  [link]  PDF       

[62] P. Dai, C. Qi, Z. Chen*, Effects of initial temperature on autoignition and detonation development in dimethyl ether/air mixtures with temperature gradient, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36 (2017) 3643-3650.  [link]    PDF    

[61] Z. Chen*, Effects of radiation absorption on spherical flame propagation and radiation-induced uncertainty in laminar flame speed measurement, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36 (2017) 1129-1136.  [link]  PDF 

[60] W. Zhang, X. Gou, Z. Chen*, Effects of water vapor dilution on the minimum ignition energy of methane, n-butane and n-decane at normal and reduced pressures, Fuel, 187 (2017) 111-116.  [link]   PDF


[59] M. Faghih, Z. Chen*, The constant-volume propagating spherical flame method for laminar flame speed measurement, Science Bulletin, 61 (2016)  1296-1310.   [link]   PDF  (Invited review paper)

[58] J. Pan, H. Wei*, G. Shu, Z. Chen, P. Zhao*, The role of low temperature chemistry in combustion mode development under elevated thermodynamic conditions, Combustion and Flame, 174 (2016) 179-193.  [link]  PDF

[57] W. Han*, V. Raman, Z. Chen, LES/PDF modeling of autoignition in a lifted turbulent flame: analysis of flame sensitivity to differential diffusion and scalar mixing time-scale, Combustion and Flame, 171 (2016) 69-86.  [link]  PDF

[56] J. Pan, G. Shu, P. Zhao, H. Wei*, Z. Chen, Interaction of flame propagation, auto-ignition and pressure wave during knocking combustion, Combustion and Flame, 164 (2016) 319-328.  [link]  PDF     

[55] X. Shi*, J.Y. Chen, Z. Chen, Numerical study of laminar flame speed of fuel-stratified hydrogen/air flames, Combustion and Flame, 163 (2016) 394-405.  [link]  PDF   

[54] W. Zhang, X. Gou*, W. Kong, Z. Chen, Laminar flame speeds of lean high-hydrogen syngas at normal and elevated pressures, Fuel, 181 (2016) 958-963.  [link]  PDF

[53] W. Han, Z. Chen*,  Effects of finite-rate droplet evaporation on the extinction of spherical burner-stabilized diffusion flames, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 99 (2016) 691-701.  [link]  PDF

[52] M. Faghih, X. Gou, Z. Chen*, The explosion characteristics of methane, hydrogen and their mixtures: a computational study, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 40 (2016) 131-138.  [link]    PDF     


[00] W. Han Z. Chen*, Effects of Soret diffusion on laminar flames, Sci. Sin. Tech., 45 (2015) 1117-1112.  [link]  PDF  (Invited review paper, in Chinese)

[51] H. Yu, Z. Chen*, End-gas autoignition and detonation development in a closed chamber, Combustion and Flame, 162 (2015) 4102-4111.  [link]  PDF

[50] P. Dai, Z. Chen*, Supersonic reaction front propagation initiated by a hot spot in n-heptane/air mixture with multistage ignition, Combustion and Flame, 162 (2015) 4183-4193.   [link]  PDF 

[49] Z. Chen*, On the accuracy of laminar flame speeds measured from outwardly propagating spherical flames: methane/air at normal temperature and pressure, Combustion and Flame, 162 (2015) 2442-2453.  [link]  PDF

[48] W. Han, Z. Chen*, Effects of finite-rate droplet evaporation on the ignition and propagation of premixed spherical spray flame, Combustion and Flame, 162 (2015) 2128-2139.  [link]  PDF

[47] W. Sun, X. Gou, H.A. El-Asrag, Z. Chen, Y. Ju*, Multi-timescale and correlated dynamic adaptive chemistry modeling of ignition and flame propagation using a real jet fuel surrogate model, Combustion and Flame, 162 (2015) 1530-1539.  [link]  PDF 

[46] P. Dai, Z. Chen*, S. Chen, Y. Ju, Numerical experiments on reaction front propagation in n-heptane/air mixture with temperature gradient, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 35 (2015) 3045-3052.   [link]  PDF

[45] F. Wu, W. Liang, Z. Chen, Y. Ju, C.K. Law*, Uncertainty in stretch extrapolation of laminar flame speed from expanding spherical flames, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 35 (2015) 663-670.   [link]  PDF

[44] E. Varea*, J. Beeckmann, H. Pitsch, Z. Chen, B. Renou, Determination of burning velocities from spherically expanding  H2/air flames, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 35 (2015) 711-719.   [link]  PDF

[43] W. Han, Z. Chen*, Effects of Soret diffusion on premixed counterflow flames, Combustion Science and Technology, 187 (2015) 1195-1207.  [link]  PDF

[42] C.H. Sohn*, Z. Chen, Y. Ju, Effects of radiation on the uncertainty of flame speed determination using spherically propagating flames with CO/CO2/H2O dilutions at elevated pressures, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 86 (2015) 820-825.   [link]  PDF

[41] W. Han, Z. Chen*,  Effects of Soret diffusion on spherical flame initiation and propagation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 82 (2015) 309-315.  [link]   PDF

[40] Z. Li, W. Han, D. Liu, Z. Chen*, Laminar flame propagation and ignition properties of premixed iso-octane/air with hydrogen addition, Fuel, 158 (2015) 443-450.  [link]    PDF

[39] M. Han, Y. Ai, Z. Chen, W. Kong*, Laminar flame speeds of H2/CO with CO2 dilution at normal and elevated pressures and temperatures, Fuel, 148 (2015) 32-38.  [link]   PDF

[38] C. Li, Y. Wu, Z. Chen*, Effects of reaction reversibility on ignition and flame propagation, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 53 (2015) 386-401.  [link]  PDF


[37] H. Yu, W. Han, J. Santner, X. Gou, C.H. Sohn, Y. Ju, Z. Chen*, Radiation-induced uncertainty in laminar flame speed measured from propagating spherical flames, Combustion and Flame, 161 (2014) 2815-2824.   [link]  PDF

[36] P. Dai, Z. Chen*, S. Chen, Ignition of methane with hydrogen and dimethyl ether addition, Fuel, 118(2014) 1-8. [link] PDF

[35] Y. Ai, Z. Zhou, Z. Chen, W. Kong*, Laminar flame speed and Markstein length of syngas at normal and elevated pressures and temperatures, Fuel, 137 (2014) 339-345.   [link] PDF 

[34] L. Courty*, K. Chetehouna, Z. Chen, F. Halter, C. Mounaim-Rousselle, J.P. Garo, Determination of laminar burning speeds and Markstein lengths of p-cymene/air mixtures using three models, Combustion Science and Technology, 186 (2014) 490-503.  [link] PDF


[33] B. Bai, Z. Chen*, H. Zhang, S. Chen, Flame propagation in a tube with wall quenching of radicals, Combustion and Flame, 160 (2013) 2810-2819.  [link] PDF

[32] X. Gou*, Z. Chen, W. Sun, Y. Ju*, A dynamic adaptive chemistry scheme with error control for combustion modeling with a large detailed mechanism, Combustion and Flame, 160 (2013) 225-231. [link] PDF

[31] H. Zhang, P. Guo, Z. Chen*, Critical condition for the ignition of reactant mixture by radical deposition, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 34 (2013) 3267-3275. [link] PDF

[30] W. Liang, Z. Chen*, F. Yang, H. Zhang, Effects of Soret diffusion on the laminar flame speed and Markstein length of syngas/air mixtures, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 34 (2013) 695-702. [link] PDF

[29] H.H. Kim, S.H. Won*, J. Santner, Z. Chen, Y. Ju, Measurements of the critical initiation radius and unsteady propagation of n-decane/air premixed flames, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 34 (2013) 929-936.  [link] PDF

[28] H. Zhang*, Z. Chen, Effects of heat conduction and radical quenching on premixed stagnation flame stabilized by a wall, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 17 (2013) 682-706.  [link] PDF 

[27] H. Zhang, P. Guo, Z. Chen*, Outwardly propagating spherical flames with thermally sensitive intermediate kinetics and radiative loss, Combustion Science and Technology, 185 (2013) 226-248. [link] PDF

[26] F. Yang*, H. Zhang, Z. Chen, W. Kong, Interaction of pressure wave and propagating flame during knock, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38 (2013) 15510-15519.  [link] PDF

[25] P. Guo, Z. Chen*, Ignition enhancement of ethylene/air by NOx addition, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 26 (2013) 876-883. [link] PDF


[24] W. Zhang, Z. Chen*, W. Kong, Effects of diluents on the ignition of premixed H2/air mixtures, Combustion and Flame, 159 (2012) 151-160. [link] PDF

[23] P. Dai, Z. Chen*, S. Chen, Numerical study on the ignition process of n-decane/toluene binary fuel blends, Energy & Fuels, 26 (2012) 6729-6736. [link] PDF 

[22] Z. Chen*, P. Dai, S. Chen, A model for the laminar flame speed of binary fuel blends and its application to methane/hydrogen mixtures, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37 (2012) 10390-10396. [link] PDF 

[21] Z. Zhao, Z. Chen*, HDMR correlations for the laminar burning velocity of premixed CH4/H2/O2/N2mixtures, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37 (2012) 691-697. [link] PDF 

[20] Y. Wu, Z. Chen*, Asymptotic analysis of outwardly propagating spherical flames, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 28 (2012) 359-366. [link] PDF 


[19] H. Zhang, Z. Chen*, Spherical flame initiation and propagation with thermally sensitive intermediate kinetics, Combustion and Flame, 158 (2011) 1520-1531. [link] PDF

[18] Z. Chen*, On the extraction of laminar flame speed and Markstein length from outwardly propagating spherical flames, Combustion and Flame, 158 (2011) 291-300. [link] PDF

[17] Z. Chen*, M.P. Burke, Y. Ju, On the critical flame radius and minimum ignition energy for spherical flame initiation, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 33 (2011) 1219-1226. [link] PDF

[16] Y. Ju*, W. Sun, M.P. Burke, X. Gou, Z. Chen, Multi-timescale modeling of ignition and flame regimes of n-heptane/air mixtures near spark assisted homogeneous charge compression ignition conditions, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 33 (2011) 1245-1252. [link] PDF

[15] Z. Zhao, Z. Chen*, S. Chen, Correlations for the ignition delay times of hydrogen/air mixtures, Chinese Science Bulletin, 56 (2011) 215-221. [link] PDF


[14] Z. Chen*, Effects of radiation and compression on propagating spherical flames of methane/air mixtures near the lean flammability limit, Combustion and Flame, 157 (2010) 2267-2276. [link] PDF

[13] W. Sun, Z. Chen, X. Gou, Y. Ju*, A path flux analysis method for the reduction of detailed chemical kinetic mechanisms, Combustion and Flame, 157 (2010) 1298-1307. [link] PDF

[12] X. Gou, W. Sun, Z. Chen, Y. Ju*, A dynamic multi-time-scale method for combustion modeling with detailed and reduced chemical kinetic mechanisms, Combustion and Flame, 157 (2010) 1111-1121. [link] PDF

[11] Z. Chen*, X. Gou, Y. Ju, Studies on the outwardly and inwardly propagating spherical flames with radiative loss, Combustion Science and Technology, 182 (2010) 124-142. [link] PDF


[10] M.P. Burke, Z. Chen, Y. Ju*, F.L. Dryer, Effect of cylindrical confinement on the determination of laminar flame speeds using propagating spherical flames, Combustion and Flame, 156 (2009) 771-779. [link] PDF

[9] Z. Chen*, M.P. Burke, Y. Ju, Effects of Lewis number and ignition energy on the determination of laminar flame speed using propagating spherical flames, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 32 (2009) 1253-1260. [link] PDF

[8] Z. Chen*, M.P. Burke, Y. Ju, Effects of compression and stretch on the determination of laminar flame speeds using propagating spherical flames, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 13 (2009) 343-364. [link] PDF

[7] Z. Chen*, Effects of hydrogen addition on the propagation of spherical methane/air flames: a computational study, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34 (2009) 6558-6567. [link] PDF


[6] Z. Chen*, Y. Ju, Combined effects of curvature, radiation, and stretch on the extinction of premixed tubular flames, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 51 (2008) 6118-6125. [link] PDF

[5] G. Li, H. Rabitz*, J. Hu, Z. Chen, Y. Ju, Regularized random-sampling high dimensional model representation (RS-HDMR), Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 43 (2008) 1207-1232. [link] PDF


[4] Z. Chen*, X. Qin, B. Xu, Y. Ju, F. Liu, Studies of radiation absorption on flame speed and flammability limit of CO2 diluted methane flames at elevated pressures, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 31 (2007) 2693-2700. [link] PDF

[3] Z. Chen, X. Qin, Y. Ju*, Z. Zhao, M. Chaos, F.L. Dryer, High temperature ignition and combustion enhancement by dimethyl ether addition to methane-air mixtures, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 31(2007) 1215-1222. [link] PDF

[2] Z. Chen*, Y. Ju, Theoretical analysis of the evolution from ignition kernel to flame ball and planar flame, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 11 (2007) 427-453. [link] PDF

[1] Z. Chen, B. Gao, Z. Wu*, Compressible flow equations based on moving coordinates determined by the wave speed, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 53 (2007) 149-174. [link] PDF


Z. Chen, Studies on the Initiation, Propagation, and Extinction of Premixed Flames, Princeton University, January, 2009.  PDF