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Selected Recent Articles from Huang's Lab *


1. Xun Huang, “Convolution for Haystacking in Turbulence-Ingesting Rotor Noise”, AIAA Journal, 2022, in press (https://doi.org/10.2514/1.J062309). [湍流吸入螺旋桨发声建模]

2. W. Q. Chen, H. B. Jiang* and Xun Huang, “Dynamic Analysis of Aeroacoustic Hysteresis of a Low-Reynolds-Number Airfoil”, Physical Review Fluids, Vol. 7, No. 9, 2022, pp. 094401. [气动声学迟滞实验]

3. Z. Y. Xiong, W. Rui, L. Z.  Lu,  G. P. Zhang and Xun Huang*, Experimental Investigation of Broadband Thrust and Loading Noise from Pumpjet due to Turbulence Ingestion”, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 255, 2022, pp. 111408 (1-13). [湍流吸入泵喷实验]

0. 吴佳峰,黄迅*,“螺旋桨中的流动噪声问题”,空气动力学报,Vol. 40, No. 3, 2022。[综述,年度10篇优秀论文之一]

4. Xun Huang, “Opponent Cart-Pole Dynamics for Reinforcement Learning of Competing Agents”, Acta Mechanica Sinica, Vol. 38, 2022, 521540. [多智能体对抗]

5. J. F. Wu, H. B., Jiang, Z. K. Ma*, W. Q., Chen* and Xun Huang, “Numerical Investigation of Airfoil-Rotor Interaction at Low Reynolds Number”, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 34, 2022, pp. 025118. [Editor's picks论文,螺旋桨噪声预测]

6. H. X. Bu, Xun Huang*, X. Zhang*, “An Overview of Testing Methods for Aeroengine Fan Noise”, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, Vol. 124, 2021, pp. 100722(1–29).  [航空发动机噪声测试技术综述]

7. I. D. Abrahams, Xun Huang, A. Kisil, G. Mishuris*, M. Nieves, S. Rogosin and I. Spitkovsky, “Reinvigorating the Wiener-Hopf technique in the pursuit of understanding processes and materials”, National Science Review, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2021, pp. nwaa225(1-3). [WH方法振兴观点论文]

8. W. Q. Chen, S. Y. Zhong and Xun Huang*, Extended-Resolution Acoustic Imaging of Low-Frequency Wave Sources by Acoustic Analogy based Tomography”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 899, 2020, pp. A12 (1-19). [封面论文,超分辨声成像实验技术] 

9. Xun Huang, “Deep Neural Networks for Waves Assisted by the Wiener-Hopf Method”, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Vol. 476, 2020, pp. 20190846(1-22). [WH方法与深度学习]

10. P. W. Kwan*, Xun Huang and X. Zhang, “Design and Testing of a Microelectromechanical-System-Based High Heat Flux Vaporizing Liquid Microthruster”, Acta Astronautica, Vol. 170, 2020, pp. 717-734. [小卫星电推进系统实验设计] 

* All published articles can be found at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xun-Huang