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Aeroacoustics 声波动力学讨论班(气动声学)

1. 目的:给从事波(特别是气动声学)相关研究的研究生介绍声学基本概念,并合作探讨当前一些热点研究问题:



2. 内容首先从声波谈起,讨论流动如何产生声(flow-induced noise),声如何产生流动(acoustic streaming);进而给出平面波、球面波、柱面波;球面波部分将探讨日震波问题;柱面波部分将探讨气动声学应用和bessel beam;最后给出机械波和电磁波的对应关系,并讲述波的吸收、衰减、衍射、辐射等问题。
3. 教材:S.W. Rienstra & A. Hirschberg, An Introduction to Acoustics, 2012. An Introduction to Acoustics(2012).rar
(1) Ann P. Dowling, John Ffowcs Williams, Sound and Sources of Sound, 1983. 
(2) M.C.M. Wright, Lecture Notes on the Mathematics of Acoustic, 2005. 
(3) M.S. Howe, Theory of Vortex Sound, 2002.  
4. 课程计划
(1) Classical acoustics: 
Fundamentals of acoustics; Derivation of wave equation;  Green's function;  Doppler effect;  Convected wave equation;  Prandtl-Glauert transform and Green's function;  Cloaking. 
(2) Flow-induced sound sources:
Lighthill's acoustic analogy; Generalised function and Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings method; Dimensional Analysis; Numerical implementation; Arguments raised by Tam and defenses. 
(3) Duct acoustics
Uniform case; Nonuniform case; Liner; Wiener-Hopf methods. 
5. Homeworks
(1) CAREFULLY read the annual review of CEAS progress. Discussion will be organized in the following lecture. Aeroacoustics2012.pdf 
(b) Ray tracing algorithm: 参考书(1)中整章
(c) Time domain Farassat 1A: 
(d) Buzz-saw noise: 
(e) 开式转子:Aeroacoustic2012.pdf, REFs[10-14]. 
(f) 闭口风洞声学测试:Beamforming; NAH; Time-reversal. Aeroacoustic2012.pdf, REFs[17-21].  


6. 预习阅读

Week 1: 

(1) MS Howe, "Theory of Vortex Sound", Chap 1. 


Week 2: 

(1) J. Lighthill, "Early Development of an "Acoustic Analogy' ApproachtoAeroacoustic Theory", AIAA J Vol 20 No 4.

(2) MS Howe, "Theory of Vortex Sound", Chap 2. 


Week 3: 

(1) Reading list (2)-(4),继续讨论上一周问题,讨论为什么说声比拟不严格和唯像是扯淡?想象其可能的局限?

Week 4: 

(1) Reading list (10) 学会广义函数基本性质,准备上课被问问题;

(1) Reading list (5) 上黑板推导,说明FWH各项物理意义,评论其和Kirchhoff方法区别之处。

Weeks 5-16: TBA. 

7. Reading list (括号内为阅读指导)
(Note: some of the documents below are difficult to obtain for our students and therefore attached here only for teaching purpose. Here we wish to acknowledge all authors in advnace. Any author who is reclutant to have her/his literature appeared here should email us (huangxunpku.edu.cn) and we will delete the link right away.)
(1)  R. Parker, "Aeroacoustics", International Journal of Fluid Dynamics (1997), Vol. 1, Article 1. (M1:注意把握整体概念,此人偏重发动机) 
(2) P.R. Spalart, "Application of full and simplified acoustic analogies to an elementary problem", J. Fluid Mech. (2007), vol. 578, pp. 113–118. (M1:例子简单、深刻,一定要跑一遍程序,可以理解Acoustic analogy怎么用)
(3) C. K. W. Tam, "Computational aeroacoustics showing the failure of the acoustic analogy theory to identidy the correct noise sources", J. Com. Acoust. (2002) Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 387-405. (M1:注意他的arguments and reasoning, 以及包括了不太好找的Lilley's equation)
(4) N. Peake, "A note on "Computational aeroacoustics showing the failure of the acoustic analogy theory to identidy the correct noise sources" by CKW Tam", J. Com. Acoust. (2004) Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 387-405. (M1)
(5) M. J. Lighthill, "The Bakerian Lecture, 1961. Sound Generated Aerodynamically", Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 1962 267, 147-182.  (历史追述参见附件,Early Development of an Acoustic Analogy Approach to Aeroacoustic Theory.pdf) (M1)
(6) J. E. Ffowcs Williams and D. L. Hawkings, "Sound Generation by Turbulence and Surfaces in Arbitrary Motion", Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Vol. 264, No. 1151 (May 8, 1969), pp. 321-342. FWH.rar (M2:给出了FWH公式解决运动固体气动发声理论) 
(7) M. S. Howe, "Contributions to the theory of aerodynamic sound, with application to excess jet noise and the theory of the flute", J. Fluid Mech. (1975), vol. 71, part 4, p p . 625-673. (M2: 综述了当时各种理论, 涡声理论可见"Theory of vortex sound", JASA, Vol 36 No 1, 1964)
(8) C. Boegy, "Computation of Flow Noise Using Source Terms in Linearized Euler’s Equations", AIAA Journal, Vol. 40, No. 2, February 2002. (M2-3: 提供了涡声算例,提供了理解Acoustic analogy怎么用的简化LEE算例; 另一个简单的vortex sound 算例见co-rotating vortex.pdf;以及较为复杂的算例:Duck Joo Lee, et al., "Numerical Study of Sound Generation due to a Spinning Vortex Pair", AIAA J., Vol. 33, No. 1, 1995) 
(9) C. Bailly, et al., "Contributions of Computational Aeroacoustics to Jet Noise Research and Prediction", Int. J. Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2004 Vol. 18 (6), pp. 481–491. Contributions.pdf (M2-3:本文说明:如果采用Lighthill's integral, Eq. 2则远场分布光滑;如采用Lighthill's stress作为声源, Eq. 12,放到LEE模型中, Eq. 13,计算,则分布较为不光滑,见图2-3;如果采用NS模型则此问题可以回避)  
(10) F. Farassat, "Introduction to Generalized Functions With Applications in Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics", NASA Technical Paper 3428, 1996. (M2-3: 提供了理解FWH所需的广义函数介绍和相关的数学基础,其实理解Heviside函数的空间微分处理即可推导FWH和Kirchhoff公式了)
(11) C. K. W. Tam, et al., "Time-Domain Impedance Boundary Conditions for Computational Aeroacoustics", AIAA J., Vol. 34, No. 5, 1996. (介绍了声衬的最基本概念,及其时域计算问题和稳定性分析)
(12) D. C. Pridmore-Brown, "Sound propagation in a fluid flowing through an attenuating duct", JFM, Vol. 4, 1958. (著名的Pridmore-Brown波动方程) 注意:公式(7)第二项有小错误。
(13) FFT, "Computational tools for modeling acoustic liners and propagation: Review of some key ingredients and challenges", 15th AIAA/CEAS, 2011. (来自FFT公司的对liner计算模拟技术的综述,可了解工业界对声衬问题的最新水平、问题和算例)
(14) Munt, R. 1977 The interaction of sound with a subsonic jet issuing from a semi-infinite cylindricalpipe. J. Fluid Mech. 83, pp. 609–640 (理想圆管内旋转模态理论解算器,不容易读懂)

(15) Gabard G. and Astley R. J., "Theoretical model for sound radiation from annular jet pipes: far- and near-field solutions", J. Fluid Mech, 549, pp. 315-341 (内部带核心机匣情况的Wiener-Hopf理论解解算器,写得相对很清楚)


1. RK

2. Spatial scheme

3. 1D wave

4. BC

5. 2D wave

6. Aeroacoustics analogy 

7. Beamforming

8. Time-distance

9. Duct spinning mode

10. Liner