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    《Scientific Reports》2015年10月7日在线(www.nature.com/articles/srep14936)刊登了北京大学工学院陈峰课题组的研究论文“Light attenuates lipid accumulation while enhancing cell proliferation and starch synthesis in the glucose-fed oleaginous microalga Chlorella zofingiensis”。该论文在小球藻混合培养机制中有重要新发现……(点击查看更多



Chen, T., Liu, J., Guo, B., Ma, X., Sun, P., Liu, B., and Chen, F. (2015). Light attenuates lipid accumulation while enhancing cell proliferation and starch synthesis in the glucose-fed oleaginous microalga Chlorella zofingiensis. Scientific reports 5, 14936.

Liu, B., Liu, J., Sun, P., Ma, X., Jiang, Y., and Chen, F. (2015). Sesamol enhances cell growth and the biosynthesis and accumulation of docosahexaenoic acid in the microalga Crypthecodinium cohnii. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 63, 5640-5645.

Yang, B., Liu, J., Liu, B., Sun, P., Ma, X., Jiang, Y., Wei, D., and Chen, F. (2015). Development of a stable genetic system for Chlorella vulgaris—A promising green alga for CO2 biomitigation. Algal Research 12, 134-141.




    我所陈峰教授课题组与中科院昆明植物所黄俊潮研究员课题组以及德国J.W.Goethe大学Sandmann教授课题组合作,在虾青素生物工程研究领域取得重要进展,相关论文“番茄代谢工程以高产生产虾青素”(Metabolic engineering of tomato for high-yield production of astaxanthin)近日发表在《代谢工程》(Metabolic Engineering)(17(2013)59-67)上……(点击查看更多


Huang JC, Zhong YJ, Liu J, Sandmann G and Chen F, Metabolic engineering of tomato for high-yield production of astaxanthin. Metabolic Engineering 17:59-67 (2013)



● 我所研究人员发现油葵苗同时具有抗糖基化和抗氧化活性(2013-05-04)



Sun Z, Chen J, Ma J, Jiang Y, Wang M, Ren G and Chen F, Cynarin-Rich Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) Sprouts Possess Both Antiglycative and Antioxidant Activities. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60: 3260-3265 (2012)

● 微藻可预防糖尿病引发的视网膜损伤(2011-05-13)

    来自Food & Function副主编陈峰教授课题组的最新研究表明,某些微藻种属可对内源和外源的晚期糖基化终末产物(AGEs)具有防护效应。AGEs产自糖与蛋白质的糖基化反应,可导致能引发功能障碍的关键分子的交联。AGEs被认为是……(点击查看更多