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the New iPaper.pdf

Cooperation in Ecological Prisoners Dilemma.pdf

Imitation dynamics of vaccination behaviour on social networks.pdf

Asynchronous Consensus in Continuous-Time Multi-Agent Systems With Switching Topology and Time-Varying Delays.pdf

Universality of weak selection.pdf

Reputation-based partner choice promotes cooperation in social networks.pdf

Connectivity preservation for multi-agent rendezvous.pdf

Interaction stochasticity supports cooperation in spatial Prisoners dilemma.pdf

non-cooperative games.pdf

Consensus protocols for discrete-time multi-agent systems with time-varying delays.pdf

Coevolutionary dynamics of opinions and networks - From diversity to uniformity.pdf

Evolutionary Prisoners Dilemma on heterogeneous Newman-Watts small-world network.pdf

Promotion of cooperation induced by appropriate payoff aspirations in a small-world networked game.pdf

Robust Control of Economic Systems.pdf

Social dilemmas in an online social network - The structure and evolution of cooperation.pdf

Virtual leader approach to coordinated control of multiple mobile agents with asymmetric interactions.pdf

Coordinated collective motion in a motile particle group with a leader.pdf

Average consensus in networks of dynamic agents with switching topologies and multiple time-varying delays.pdf

State consensus for multi-agent systems with switching topologies and time-varying delays.pdf

Stabilization of Networked Control Systems with Data Packet Dropout and Transmission Delays - Continuous-Time Case.pdf









Robust SPR synthesis for low-order polynomial segments and interval polynomials.pdf

Stabilization of networked control systems with data packet dropout and network delays via switching system approach.pdf





A Mathematical Theory of Communication.pdf


From Fermat to Wiles - Fermats Last Theorem Becomes a Theorem.pdf
